Fic: Companionship and Acceptance (Essences # 7 and 8)

Dec 30, 2006 17:38

Title: Companionship
Character: Poison Ivy
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Essences #7

Pamela hates how others can’t quite hear plants the same way she can. Hates the way they destroy and mutilate and eradicate what they don’t understand.

So she retreats into her park.

It provides her with everything she needs, and she in turn nurtures the flora that cannot survive on its own in this polluted, mechanic environment. Intruders serve their purpose (imported rarities and bonemeal, fertilizer) just as her companions (vine-creations and children learning a better way) do.

Plants respond to her, the way humans never did. Embrace her. Complete her. Love her.

She is never alone in her sanctuary.


Title: Acceptance
Character: Stephanie Brown
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Essences #8

Funnily enough, the first time Steph really feels like Robin, she’s in the Car sticking her tongue out at Batman’s bullheadedness.

In her childhood fantasies, she was Robin when she slapped the cuffs on her father, sternly telling him crime never paid.

When she was older, pretending to be Robin was all about breaking faces and making scum truly regret their crimes.

Then she made herself Spoiler and abandoned dreams of becoming Batman’s sidekick. She wasn’t the same... caliber as they were.

Then, Tim quit.

And Batman invited her.

The suit was heavy with history, but she made it fit.

drabbles, fic, dc: poison ivy, dc: stephanie brown, gen

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