(no subject)

Jan 22, 2005 23:11

today i had a lot of time to think because my boss had me come into work even though it was snowin like crazy. i was readin my book (dreams of my father by obama) and really into it and it just sparked so many different thoughts. i started thinking about how socioeconomic classes often run with race, and why that is. i was reading this book and kept picturing it as a really long time ago, but then realizing that it wasn't long ago at all. it absolutely blows my mind, drives me crazy, adn confuses the hell out of me. i keep thinking about slavery, why it had happened...how it has shaped the world we are in today. i think it has quite a bit. needless to say, it encouraged racism (when it got beyond people enslaving eachother and enslaving those of other races). but another big thing i was thinking about was how slavery in america could very well be part of what got the united states to be one of the further evolved places. imagine if families had had to do all that work by themselves? they would have gotten much less done! but then...the industrial revolution had a ton to do with what evolved america. so maybe im off. i just feel liek it all melts together. all these attitudes and feelings have gone from history to now. how old fasioned. and whats wrong with old fasion? its what new fasion is based on. in the "olden days" kids could play with their neighbors without having to call their parents with their cellphone every twenty minutes. you could eat carbs without wandering how much youll have to sit on the eliptical machine tonight. i dont know. these thoughts are certainly obscure and kind of unrelated to eachother. honestly, i disagree with a lot of what id consider "old fasioned" ideas. racism, sexism...tons of things that still exist today seem to root in "old fasion". maybe theyre natural to humankind. i cant imagine how that could be. i cant imagine that wahtever created human beings would put in them the knack to hate eachother. today i had a conversation with a man who came in to work about why i was reading barrack's book. he was impressed that i was reading it on my own and i told him that i enjoyed reading, and was into politics. he asked me waht party i said and i responded with the party that i most identify with, demacratic. he replied unsurprized laughing, "your young...youll grow out of it" i smiled and laughed politely but said "i dont think so sir".

i don't think i will grow out of my liberalism. i do not think i will grow out of beleive that every person has equal rights. i do not think i will ever be able to appreciate a man who wants to lead a country by ignoring the ideas set up by its forefathers. i do not think i will ever be able to support a president that supports the already well-to-do people more tehn the people who need help the most. i just can't see it.
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