Nearing the end

Dec 27, 2015 22:26

of another year...DW and LJ are pretty dead but some communities are still active...meh...

One Punch Man 9-12! the end. Saitama defeats the sea monster but is unable to convince the bystanders and hero association that he is worth anything. Despite that, he is promoted to the B class. In episode 10, he happens to tag along with Genos to an S-class meeting that is interrupted by an alien invasion. While the other S-class heroes try to battle an alien outside of the ship, Saitama fights the main alien boss in the ship. ~10/10 rating~ for one of the most amusing superhero shows I've seen in a long while. Saitama is fun to watch and Genos brings a lot of heart to the show. When a show gets mention on Reddit, you know it has the popularity to warrant another season. I hope the manga gets far enough ahead to sustain more anime. There are also 2 OADs out there worth watching.

Owarimonogatari 9-12! the end. The Shinobu Mail arc definitely has a slight jump in production quality. Gaen's rambling put me to sleep in episode 9 and 10, but she does reveal some important plot points in the first two episodes. Basically Shinobu's first vampire minion comes back to life for revenge or something. The duel between Araragi and Seishirou was fairly anti-climactic. The season was more introspective than action-packed. ~7/10 rating~

one punch man, owarimonogatari, monogatari

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