saturday morning brain squashing

Jul 08, 2006 10:29

caught up! (beware of a long post and spoilers)


Chevalier D'Eon 1! ++ was apparently an early showing of this show. Excellent production, some unique action shots, a variety of nice cgi settings in Europe, nice and fitting character design and interesting premise makes this show worth trying out. Very nice visual details stand out in this episode. I started thinking this would be a strict historical anime like Emma was, but as the episode went along, I was a little disappointed that things pointed to the fantasy-horror genre in a historical setting. It looks as if they'll follow history, but it seems the 'spirit' of D'Eon's sister accounts for his feminine side. There are also vampires...which I don't understand the need for when they've got an interesting history to derive action from. I'll do a follow-up review when subs are out and the series officially starts (in August).

xxxHOLiC 13! The fallen angel spirit is to blame when quiet girls turn into insane ones. There was a little bit of 'plot' reveals as Maru & Moro are explained and the pipefox's true form is revealed....It's almost like Yue/Keroberos without souls and true voices. Watanuki is still a great character...but he'd be annoying if he were a girl. I also still wish for a higher quality video source...better to watch pipefox chomp on the wings. *chomp*

Mushishi 22! These extra episodes seem to put Ginko in a little more danger. Ginko's narration as he was drowning was sorta amusing. And the what-if you could be endlessly reborn scenario was interesting.

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi 14! +++ the end was as most ppl thought, conventional. It was a slight disappointment, but hardly a surprise since the previous episodes/later sequences alluded to Haruhi 'liking' Kyon. I still enjoyed the series and would recommend it to anyone who wanted a funny, unique, excellently produced moe-ish anime. It was interesting that each character was an anime cliche, but the director made the story one of the best of its kind. I attribute its success to Kyon. ♥

Coyote Ragtime Show 1! is another space cowboy anime. Well animated but pretty dull so far. If you've already seen Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star, this is nothing unique.

Listening to~
Miyavi's new single, Kimi ni Negai wo. ++ Another progression in his music and I like it. PV can be found here. Playing in pjs = fun. Bright blue contacts = huh?

Tommy Heavenly6's Pray. Fun PV, cute song. Not sure if I'm a fan, but she's fun to watch and her music is addictive.

Mr. Children's Houkiboshi. Sakurai always conveys emotion...usually some sort of trying-to-convince-you of love/sadness/happiness. Another uplifting song. here's a tv performance.

Reading (ha)~

Cloth Road volume 3! picked it up at Kinokuniya on my trip. Those Clamp anime guides looked a bit lame so skipped outta that. The mangaka, Okama, of Cloth Road has a nice website which had tons of artwork...but has cut some out. (again, that's what happens when you get bigger). The manga is basically about seamstresses and clothing made to fight.

Naruto...that was a very sappy moment when Naruto thought about how he missed Kakashi. The rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated.

Tsubasa RC...darn Syaoran, I wanted to chew on Fay's face first.

tsubasa, mushishi, manga, naruto, xxxholic, anime, the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya

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