vital stats

Mar 27, 2017 18:47

10 yrs old
wt ? way too much. wider than long.
--theory: age, small cage, chaos, stress.
--Solution: watch closely for month in calm,larger environ before drastic mesures.
--Already observed: 'nibbler' not 'gorger'.
health issues:
--surrendered by first owner for "litterbox problems";
--likewise APL reported "not using box.
--Room papered as precaution but no prob noted.
--Theory: stress behavior,
--+ APL started to use box 'collars' & she is
--a)REALLY claustrophobic
--b) unable to fit in it.
--Solution: environ as calm as poss;
--keep box as full as she likes,
--clean daily,
--keep box as 'open' as poss.
--Extreme claustrophobia;
--poss past trauma;
--injury & big resistance to carrier.
--small space as seldom as possible, incl
--home vet & confine in 'airy' room.
Gentle nature mostly
--suspected trauma leading to surrender to APL.
--Residence at APL >18 months.
--Second owners a) either went to assisted living OR b)died,
--returned to shelter ~ 2 yrs.
--Solution: Provide stable, placid, perm home.

If we can get joe to coooperate

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