i need others to:
- fertlze (ffeed) me
- water (both bathe & drink) me
- weed (take TO toilet, can manage myself tho wish cgs leave not have converssation) me
- move me
fave apt descrptn: sentient houseplant
Hence namm
wish i could cmmcte more than 3 words a mmin
example, w/in last mo :
- hyperthyroid
- bedbugs
- foumd cat had cancer, euth next day
- BIG debt, over yr to pay off
- stray sterving dog barking on deck @ 12:30 @ nite
- alaskan cruise in july
- new van if can afford
- medicaid disaster-state atty gen, nat'l CMS person, regional CMS person, atty, etc.
- taxes-cashed out IRAs for medicaid
- hus spent 2 mo fretting about how wisdom teeth going to kill him, had mother overnit4 from FL to take care. end? nonevent
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