May 15, 2008 00:04
hi guys... it's me again. i guess it's customary for me to write a long detailed essay about my life every month or so.
really, i'm just posting in here because I have nothing better to do.
i guess things have been going great great great for me lately. i've been happy as a log and i'm really content with the way everything has been going. i have a bunch of close friends that i really love and I have lots of fun and that i'm really happy to be with. Ria is still my best friend (and always will be), and i've made lots of new friends. One in particular I completely love and for some reason trust with my life, and I feel like we will be friends for a really long time and know each other forever. He lives close too so I get to see him a lot. :) My Eskimooooooooo.
None of my new friends actually read this LJ, since none of them have LJ I don't think...
Work is going alright- but I kind of want to quit. I don't really enjoy my job anymore... It's not really fun and I don't really like being there anymore. It's just not something I look forward to like I used to. My boss has been cutting my hours and pay, and all in all treating everyone very unfairly and nobody is very happy. So i'm looking for a new job.. but I don't know where.
I still want to get out of here. Still want to go to NYC. Still need somebody to take the risk and jump ship with me..
I'm still lonely and I wish I had someone to hold and love. I really want somebody to kiss and be able to love when i'm feeling blue. I just wish I could meet someone who felt the same... Where are you, prince charming? =( .
I have quit all illegal drugs. For those of you who knew/thought I did any, well here I am admitting it was a bad phase and i'm totally out of it. I'm happy sober. I can sleep at night. I can eat correctly and my appetite is back to normal. I lost 6 pounds and I need to get it back. My clothes don't fit me anymore and I looked sick for a while. But I'm quickly getting back to normal!
I'm done with school, passed all my classes with B's. I'm off Academic Probation! Woohoo! I'm glad to be out for the summer. I needed a break from that place...
Me and Ria have been having a LOT of fun lately. We have just been having the times of our lives the past week/two weeks, and i've overall been pretty happy lately. It's only every once in a while that I get all emo and feel super unbelievably lonely. I can't wait to see Ria Sunday! We have discovered like 50,000 inside jokes nobody will ever understand! Can you make of a bacon slave? Claaam-Sheeelllll. Where are we going? Bicycle kicks! When I think of trucks, I dream of pancakes. SKI-TRAN! planet wal-mart! Country Wal-Mart! my best friend gets excited when she thinks of hamburgers. My Ravio turned into a Torchure Chamber LOL!! Lyons Rd being the most beautiful site. The field. Tetris signs(3 ways!). Hanging out with the homeless and being stood up for our meeting! Max being my savior.
Nobody would ever understand. ^^^!
I was in a bus accident the other day! Someone smashed into the side of the bus I was on. It was really weird and I was freaked out since it was like a really weird morning for me and a really really overbearingly weird weekend for me too. I was 2 hours late to work... eep!
I am going to bed now. I'm tired. I wish I had somebody to cuddle with tonight.
Thanks for reading,