Oct 23, 2010 22:13
I've recently developed an odd fascination for architecture, particularly Gothic/monastery-ish things. Architecture has appeared in my dreams. Weird. I want to incorporate it into writing, since drawing would be a little too...obvious (albeit fun). Unfortunately writers' block has once again reared its ugly head...I'm sure if I bash my head against the keys enough I'll come up with something acceptable.
I feel better, which is...better, I guess. And odd, because it basically took me being yelled at for me to feel better. The mind is a strange thing.
I hate writers' block. Stupid little mocking cursor. Raawwwrrrrr. I want to write longer things, which is more difficult for me.
I also wish I knew what my boyfriend's dA account was...then I could stalk his journal...wait, that's creepy. Nevermind.