Sep 03, 2010 15:45
I had my induction today. There are two groups for my course (computing): group 1 meets on MTW and my group, group 2, meets on WThF so I'll have 4 day weekends. There are 18 people in each group and I am the only girl in mine. I wandered around the "freshers fayre" and refused bibles, plastic bags, reusable bags, pens, pads of paper, sweeties, sweeties, and more sweeties, gym offers (this one was extra bizarre as the school has a gym that students can use free of charge) and - having made the full circuit - another offer of bibles. I used to work in a bookstore and the bible (in its many editions) was the most commonly stolen book. I will never understand why anyone feels the need to steal a bible when so many people want to give you one for free. One of my classmates was bitching about the bible people then added that he's an atheist. "Thank God," my professor replied. Thankfully the guy switched to the MTW class 'cause he was really annoying, completely lacking an inner monologue. I'm pretty guilty of that myself but I'd like to think that I wouldn't feel compelled to announce "I have to work on Fridays!" every time the teacher refered to our WThF schedule -after- the teacher said he'd try to switch me to the other course during the break. As Hermione would say, "Honestly!"
All in all, it was the usual "hurry up and wait" or any orientation. I have a shiny new student ID card in which my head appears to hover in the void as I managed to wear a blouse in almost exactly the same shade of blue as the back-drop.