Happy Halloween! I can't believe that November is nearly here. With it, we have the return of FOX's Bones (finally!) and the release of Italian star Tiziano Ferro's newest album, L'amore è una cosa semplice. If the first single, La Differenza Tra Me e Te, is any indication, it should be fabulous. And as for Bones...the previews make it look like it's going to be a great seventh season.
This was my first time making my own caps (for the music video, as I can't seem to find any website that has caps of Ferro's videos). It's been a struggle to get the aspect ratio correct, so even if you're not here to view those, please let me know how I did. (It was originally capping at 4:3 and it didn't look right - it's now at 16:9 which I have a feeling is the correct size.)
[54] Bones 3.05 "The Mummy in the Maze" (one of my favorites and the first episode I ever saw) [63] Tiziano Ferro La Differenza Tra Me e Te/La Diferencia Entre Tu y Yo