Aug 31, 2007 11:47
Lately, I hate people. Not specific people, just in general. I'm so tired of looking for the best, trying to be optimistic, and then just have people's worst traits come to the forefront. I'm tired of feeling naive and stupid because I actually believe that people want to "do the right thing" and care about others. My experience has shown repeatedly that most people care about no one but themselves and what they can get/take from others. And then I feel disproportionately guilty over any selfish impulse that occurs to me. Instead of being miserable and disappointed all the time, maybe I should just have the sense to accept things as they are, assume someone's true colors are going to prove to be ugly, eye-searing neons, and enjoy indulging my own selfish nature. Perhaps if I looked out for myself a little more, I wouldn't feel so resentful over other people walking all over me and taking advantage. Perhaps hell is NOT other people, it's just ME and the ways I deal with them internally.
But then again, this is just a nasty mood from the last few days, maybe tomorrow everything will be all butterflies and sunshine, who knows?