Honestly. If I had to wait all this time you could have told me. I'm not joking here, if I say I need a job is because I need a job. If I say as soon as possible, that's what it means.
Yesterday I went to bed with this intention in my mind: "Tomorrow I'll go to uni. I'll wake up early and prepare my bento, then I'll catch the bus and go to study at uni's library". The reality is so different and my resolution turned in "Ok, it's raining, I'll just stay home today". u__u But tomorrow I'll go for sure.^^;
HSJ will be on the next two shokura!\(^o^)/ There will be a new song for ABC (there's no need to add the -Z...u__u sorry Hashi) and they will do the dancing musical chair game again during the nekketsu! Let's hope it'll be funny as the first time they did it!XD
I just had to buy this. I absolutely love drawing (especially manga) and this kind of
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I'm exhausted...this flu doesn't seem to subside and I've an exam tomorrow! I was already planning to postpone it..but now that this proposal is turning to reality I can only think that I'll have to do all the remaining exams on February and with such a short gap between each of them!;__;
Credevo di aver perso un quaderno di preziosi appunti che mi servono per l'esame imminente...ma per fortuna non è così! L'avevo prestato ad una mia amica, ma inutile dire che la mia memoria ha fallito e quindi mi è preso un colpo non trovandolo più!.__.
I think I started to like studying french. Maybe because I found a teacher that makes useful and enjoyable lessons or maybe because after all, I've always liked french literature and reading Stendhal in original language is great. I hope I'll pass the exam in January even if my french is so poor, in order to graduate in May. ^_^
Ho visto Ryuusei no Kizuna! Che bello! Mi ha fatto ridere tantissimo, ma è anche commovente. Ryo è bellissimo!*ç* Non vedo l'ora di vedere la seconda puntata!^__^ Attendo con ansia i sub di bloody monday, se qualcuno ne sa qualcosa me lo comunichi immediatamente please!;__;