Noelia's adventures in thesis writing.

Feb 21, 2010 19:33

So, I survived the internet-less weekend. I am slightly less addicted than I thought I was, as I didn't get any rash, and didn't hallucinate, or whatnot. I am, however, really happy that I'm back.

First, I got a package! From jane_potter, a box full of candy canes. Apparently, the polish post office sucks and can't make a christmas delivery in time for ( Read more... )

candy canes!, noelia is awesome, thesis, morgan le fay for the motherfucking win, studies, noelia needs help, random insanity, how do you solve a problem like noelia

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Comments 49

jane_potter February 21 2010, 18:42:42 UTC
You JUST got them? That's ridiculous! But I'm very glad you like them. XDDD

I know nothing of Arthur, but I wish you the best of luck on that thesis, and can I just say that, just based on how fanvids are not a waste of time, that must be the most epic thesis I've ever heard of? My icon. That's you.


noelia_g February 21 2010, 18:46:58 UTC
I know, the Polish post has its share of fail. BUT, Candy Canes! (my whole family rejoiced, but they only got one each, because the rest is MINE.) *loves*

Actually, the most awesome thesis I've recently heard of is corvi_penna's, which is *just* about fanvids, but I think mine runs a close second XD.

*matches icons*


soriso February 21 2010, 19:26:22 UTC
3. Thinking up an Arthur/Merlin ice skaters AU is not a productive use of my time.
*_* zależy jak zdefiniowac productive use of one's time... :D


noelia_g February 21 2010, 19:28:40 UTC
productive use of my time: writing MA thesis.

that's the current ruling definition.


juana_a February 21 2010, 19:34:05 UTC
noelia_g February 21 2010, 19:36:38 UTC
Dzwonienie wymaga włączenia telefonu, jak wiesz :P

Ale mogę wam poświęcić cały dzień jutro do 18, bo o 18.30 zaczynam pracę. Zrobię sobie urlop od magisterki XD

Nie wiem nic o łyżwiarstwie, na szczęście, więc raczej nie będe tego pisać. NIE oferuj się z wiedzą o łyżwiarstwie XD


juana_a February 21 2010, 19:40:23 UTC
noelia_g February 21 2010, 19:42:29 UTC
Możemy się umówić w Krakowskiej o 14, w takim razie \o/

NIE ENABLOWAĆ NOELII. Noelia ma za dużo fików do pisania, not to mention the MA thesis.


carolstime February 21 2010, 19:36:23 UTC
Aww, a A&M będą parą sportową czy taneczną? Czy solistami, którzy wpadli na siebie na treningu? XDDD (Srsly, nie pisz przy mnie o łyżwach, a już tym bardziej o Arturze i Merlinie mających z tymi łyżwami coś wspólnego ^_____^)


noelia_g February 21 2010, 19:39:53 UTC
Duh, Arthur is a former hockey player who for some vague plot reason can't play any more (at least for a while) and Merlin got dumped by his previous partner, WillNimueh.

Featuring: Arthur's coach, Uther, who IS NOT AMUSED, Morgana, who is ALL TOO AMUSED for Arthur's liking, and Merlin's coach Gaius, who used to be a skater in his youth himself (THINK OF GAIUS ON ICE, I DARE YOU)

oh, fuck


juana_a February 21 2010, 19:41:51 UTC
noelia_g February 21 2010, 19:43:25 UTC
The Cutting Edge. Duh.



pellamerethiel February 21 2010, 20:16:41 UTC
Pisz skaters au!!! XD


noelia_g February 21 2010, 20:26:35 UTC
It's on the list. Won't make promises as to when it gets written.


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