Noelia's adventures in thesis writing.

Feb 21, 2010 19:33

So, I survived the internet-less weekend. I am slightly less addicted than I thought I was, as I didn't get any rash, and didn't hallucinate, or whatnot. I am, however, really happy that I'm back.

First, I got a package! From jane_potter, a box full of candy canes. Apparently, the polish post office sucks and can't make a christmas delivery in time for christmas, but I don't care that much because CANDY CANES. <33333 Jane, thank you so much! *dances*

Also, things I've learned while working on my MA thesis over the weekend.

1. Noelia couldn't stick to her estimated wordcount to save her life. 6000 words into the chapter on Morgan le Fay she finally gets to what she wanted to write about. Oh, well.

2. This is going to be one long thesis.

3. Thinking up an Arthur/Merlin ice skaters AU is not a productive use of my time.

4. Is there an Arthur/Merlin ice skaters AU somewhere aleady?

5. Watching Merlin fanvids is a productive use of my time, actually.

6. When I talk about my thesis, I start with hand gestures. And I bounce. And I flail. And, just sometimes, I randomly exclaim 'Morgana For The Motherfucking WIN'. My thesis defence is going to be something else, I can tell now.

candy canes!, noelia is awesome, thesis, morgan le fay for the motherfucking win, studies, noelia needs help, random insanity, how do you solve a problem like noelia

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