Everything I've read, watched, and contributed to in the last week.
Stuff I've Done
I Hate/Love Remakes:
The Super Saturday Short-Lived Showcase:
Stuff I've Read/Watched
- Animal Man #2 "Life in the Concrete Jungle" (1988) Recommended. Did NOT see that twist coming.
- Atlantis Chronicles #1 "The Deluge" (1990) Recommended. Highly. Peter David holds this up as his personal favorite among all his works. One issue in and I can already see why.
- Atlantis Chronicles #2 "The Vanished Sun / Transfigurations" (1990) Recommended. This is some Game of Thrones level awesome, here.
- Atlantis Chronicles #3 "The Flowing of Youth, the Rightful Sinking of Age" (1990) Recommended. But is so sad! ;_;
- Atomic Robo FBCD 2012 Recommended. I concur SO MUCH.
- Batwing #1 "The Cradle of Civilization" (2011) Recommended. Interesting lead, tight script, amazing art, some great world-building in an oft unexplored patch of the DC Universe, and a marvelous cliffhanger. I'm in! The only downside: the clunky and ugly Batwing suit of armor. Definitely needs a redesign as soon as editorial loosens up on forcing people to use the Jim Lee models.
- Batwing #2 "First Blood" (2011) Recommended.
- Batwing #3 "We Have Blood On Our Hands" (2012) Recommended. Continuing to be completely blown away by this book. One of the best Bat titles I've read in years.
- Batwoman #6 "To Drown the World, Part 1" (2012) Recommended. But if you're not going to keep Williams III on as an artist, why would you keep using him as a writer? It's not that the scripting itself is bad, it's not, but the storyline continues to be a misfire as it just keeps building on the previous arc of confusing choices and directions. I really like Amy Reed's art, though.
- Batwoman #7 "To Drown the World, Part 2" (2012) Recommended. Though Batwoman isn't wrong when she says "This is just getting ridiculous."
- Batwoman #8 "To Drown the World, Part 3" (2012) Not Recommended. As much as I do like many parts of this book, it's getting to be such a bag of nonsense that I'm considering dropping it until Williams III is off as writer. The frustrating narrative is getting worse and worse, and the non-linear style is just making it all the more jarring.
- Birds of Prey #3 "Hounded" (1999) Recommended.
- Accel World #5 "Aviation" (2012) Recommended.
- Bodacious Space Pirates #8 "The Princess and the Pirate" (2012) Recommended. Though half the episode is a facepalm as a pretty little princess shows up and EVERYbody has to pause and go "D'awwwwwwwww."
- Bodacious Space Pirates #9 "A Beautiful Launch" (2012) Recommended.
- Bodacious Space Pirates #10 "Battle in the Storm" (2012) Recommended. Okay, all my confusions have been answered. Also, kickass battle scene.
- Bunheads #1 (2012) Recommended. I can't tell you how wonderful it is having new Amy Sherman-Palladino writing on tv. Everything recaptures the Gilmore Girls spirit - the rapid-fire dialogue, the small-town quaintness, the "la la la" soundtrack - but I'm relieved that it never feels like a rehash. This is a completely brand new story and a brand new batch of characters, and I can't wait to see where they go. And HOLY CRAP THAT ENDING.
- Dark Shadows #39-52 (1966) Conflicted. I'm still hooked on this show, and love both the plots and the over-the-top melodrama (not to mention constant flubs), but this show really is dragging at times, often taking 5-8 episodes to get through one episode's worth of storytelling. Once it gets to where it's going, it's gold, but getting there can be a slog. The new writer taking over in the last few episodes has been a bit of a fresh breath of air, so I'm curious to see where it goes from here.
- Eureka #65 "Lost" (2012) Recommended. I wish they hadn't resolved quite so much of the twist setup by episode's end, but I do like how this show isn't afraid to stick a monkey wrench in its status quo now and then.
- Ozma #1 "The Sand Whale" (2012) Recommended. But I need a few more episodes to get a handle on things. It's well put together and exciting in that distinctive Leiji Matsumoto style, but it dumps a lot of characters and an unusual world on us right up front with little in the way of proper introductions, feeling almost like episode 4 or 5 of a series instead of 1.
- Ozma #2 "Diving Limit" (2012) Recommended. The show is well done and it's great to see that Matsumoto is still thriving on his unique style of visuals and storytelling, but something about this show isn't clicking with me yet. A lot of stuff has happened, but very little of it tells us anything about the characters involved. It needs to slow down a bit and flesh its cast out.
- Royal Pains #47 "After the Fireworks" (2012) Recommended. Though I hope they don't drag out the "brothers divided" arc to an unbearable length.
- Royal Pains #48 "Imperfect Storm" (2012) Recommended. But it really did cop out on following up the great cliffhanger ending of the last episode.
- Secret Agent Erika #5 (2012) Recommended.
- Secret Agent Erika #6 (2012) Recommended. What with the predatory cult, Erika bumping into her past, and the still great mix of campy action and genuine social issues, this show just continues to amaze me.
- Secret Agent Erika #7 (2012) Recommended. Shaking things up a bit with a woman who preys on men, and handling it with just as much intelligence and excitement as it has every episode.
- Space Guys in Space #8 "Albinards" (2012) Recommended.
- Space Guys in Space #9 "Amazons" (2012) Recommended.
- Space Guys in Space #10 "Ninja" (2012) Recommended.
- Prometheus (2012) Conflicted. I initially gave it a positive review here, but I've been stewing over it for the past few days, reconsidering some things, taking in the critiques of others. I'm going to try to see it again next week and write up a much more detailed overview of my thoughts.