Title: 2x Chinen Caught Yamada Watching Videos of Shoujo Jidai and 1x Chinen watched S/mileage Video Author: nodoka06 Pairing: Yamada/Chinen Rating: G A/N: Rushed, Unbeta-ed because my unlimited surfing will end in a few minutes.
“No hentai drooling over long legged girls are allowed!!!” <------ This make me laughing so hard!! XDD BWAHAHAHAHA,nodoka-chan!! This is GREAT !!! KAWAII JEALOUSY CHINEN ... HAHA
hahaha Sou sou Ehh,stretched his legs ?? LOL~ I can't imagining Chinen with his longer legs.. mwahahaha... Demo ... I don't like to see him becomes taller than Yamada :|
ahaha! Now that u mentioned it, i do agree! I can't imagine chinen having a longer legs too. And right, it's just okay the way he is now. Yamachan might get insecure if chinen has gotten taller than him. If must be like that so that their relationship will stay the same. :D i wonder if yamachan always looks/stares as Chinen's white and flawless legs. Orz
hahaha maybe! He would seems so strange and Yamada would protested in disagree when suddenly Chinen has long legs. Demo is also not suited to his face. They are destined to be the shortest but the cutest! hehe
This is GREAT !!!
Nice story as always ne!
Love it so much! =))
thanks for reading asti-chan ^^
Sou sou
Ehh,stretched his legs ??
I can't imagining Chinen with his longer legs..
Demo ... I don't like to see him becomes taller than Yamada :|
And right, it's just okay the way he is now. Yamachan might get insecure if chinen has gotten taller than him.
If must be like that so that their relationship will stay the same. :D
i wonder if yamachan always looks/stares as Chinen's white and flawless legs. Orz
They are destined to be the shortest but the cutest! hehe
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