Title: 2x Chinen Caught Yamada Watching Videos of Shoujo Jidai and 1x Chinen watched S/mileage Video
nodoka06Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
Rating: G
A/N: Rushed, Unbeta-ed because my unlimited surfing will end in a few minutes.
〚Yamada’s 1st time〛
“Yama-chan~” Chinen called, but the not so chubby boy didn’t hear him calling. Yamada was at their shared room sitting on their fluffy bed with his laptop infront of him and wearing a pair of red earphones.
“Ryosuke~” The chibi called again, thinking that Yamada doesn’t want to be called as Yama-chan so he’s not minding him. But still, Yamada didn’t dare to tilt his head to look at him. The squirrel pouted. Usually, Yamada would look at him instantly whenever he opens the door and he will be hugged by the older boy. But that time, he feels like he’s calling a deaf person.
Chinen walked near Yamada and his lips grew longer as he saw Yamada staring at those 9 pairs of long legs dancing in the music of Hoot.
〚Yamada’s 2nd time〛
Upon arriving from the shooting of Ending Planner, Chinen went straight to their room to rest his exhausted body and release his stress by hugging and making some freaking moment with his ichigo lover, Yamada.
But, there was no Yamada Ryosuke in their room. So he searched for his missing Prince. He asked every members of JUMP if they saw Yamada around the JUMP house but he failed on getting a positive answer until he asked Yabu.
“He is in my room, using my laptop. He said his laptop has broked.”
Chinen smirked as he knew he was the one behind the broken laptop. He slowly opened the door of Yabu’s room.
His brows arched up on its highest level as he caught Yamada watching another hips-rifying video of Shoujo Jidai.
He dashed angrily on their room and locked it, leaving a big signboard on the frontdoor, “No hentai drooling over long legged girls are allowed!!!”
〚Chinen’s 1st time〛
Chinen already reached his limit. He’s jealous, because, well his legs are not long enough to amuse Yamada. So he thought of some way to make his hentai boyfriend feel the same way.
At first, he browsed the internet and read some YamaChii Fanfic to make his irritation go away. Then, being the narcissist pretty princess he googled his self to check how much he’s loved by the fans.
But then, he saw that he’s been paired to some random girls like Umika, and Fukuda Kanon.
A bright bulb flashed on his head. He called Kamiki and soon after left the JUMP mansion.
When he got home, he already has a S/mileage single on his hand and went to their room with Yamada laying on their bed.
“Oi, Yuri where have you gone?”
Chinen ignored the question that welcomed him and played the video on their player. Yamada was dumbfounded as he saw 6 girls dancing with red dotted bikinis and Chinen was singing along with the music (because Kamiki teached him) and staring Kanon most of the time.
Yamada abruptly get the remote control and turned off the television earning a protest from Chinen.
“Yuri~ You’re cheating on me!”
“Huh?! Me?! I’m scared that it was YOU who has been watching videos of some Korean Girls that leads on you to ignore me because their legs are prettier than me which is obviously a stupid Lie~!”
Yamada laughed, “You are wrong Yuri, Definitely wrong.” he hugged Chinen’s arm as he pinched his cheek. “ I was just watching them because I was curious about a member who shares a same name with you. I’m not watching them because I was fanboying over them but I want to see how well that Yuri could dance and sing. And you know what Chii? I have proved that you are the best Yuri around the world. And that girl doesn’t deserve to use that name, because he’s not as beautiful as you are.”
A/N: Just popped on my mind. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhh