Title: 2x Chinen Caught Yamada Watching Videos of Shoujo Jidai and 1x Chinen watched S/mileage Video Author: nodoka06 Pairing: Yamada/Chinen Rating: G A/N: Rushed, Unbeta-ed because my unlimited surfing will end in a few minutes.
or else, chinen would have been what?? ^,^ would have been a raging squirrel and cut yamada into cubes then he will display Yamada's legs on his room. XD chinen sounds so scary haha
ah sou ka.. So that's what you meant. I though it was as horrible like that. Yamachan will sleep on the living room talking with the mosquitoes (if there are) and in order for him to be forgiven, he must show his epic sexy hiprolls first to Chinen. XD
Nice safe Ryosuke XDDDD
Or eles Chii would have been !@@#%!%!!$#
Now we know what they are doing hehehe
would have been a raging squirrel and cut yamada into cubes then he will display Yamada's legs on his room. XD
chinen sounds so scary haha
O.o not that horrible yo
Jass-chan just got scary yo >
Yamachan will sleep on the living room talking with the mosquitoes (if there are)
and in order for him to be forgiven, he must show his epic sexy hiprolls first to Chinen. XD
Well Jass-chan got too dark and evil ne
Chii can never be that harsh to his Ryosuke ne XDDD
Sou sou
Ryosuke will have to do that
And loves of luv luv towards his Chii ne hehehehe
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