Apr 01, 2006 00:26
I did critical mass today and the police were there immediately arresting people for riding their bikes in the street. I've eaten many french fries covered in cheese, one day I will be overweight and tired and need to take an suv everywhere, down the street to the stop and shop to get more cheese and fries.
my throat hurts from the change in weather.
i go to the bus stop and just there. i chase the bus down in busted orange clogs cuz the guy asked for 50 cents, and i missed that bus, but got on the next one. a block over and down the hill is the start of a whole other city i never see. arbor hill. its endless brownstones with chipped grand paint. they tell me that the buildings are full of bullets, i don't see those holes. Lots of front stoops and railings, decrepit bodegas, churches, condoms, strange man half hidden by a black slanting railing waving between the space at the car window that is rolled up all the way tight and the door is locked. i saw this place behind glass. i never been there, its a couple blocks away.