‡ Relationships ‡ [Updated: 2/17/11]

Sep 22, 2010 18:14


Soul taste Bitter
Thoughts HE LIKES YOU. As a friend, of course. Blake does care a lot about the Hobo, although, he won't ever outright admit it. He's really fond of Allen, especially since Avari likes him a lot too. Now, there was actually a certain period of time when the demon had harbored a small crush on him, acting upon it when he was turned into a kid and ended up giving Hobollen a small kiss. Although that made Blake inwardly freak out, the demon still enjoys being in his company. He's the demon's favorite human ever. However, now that Allen's been turned, Blake's unsure of what to do. Because really, he never wanted anything to happen to Allen, especially to turn into a vampire. Hobollen's supposed to be human, not a supernatural creature. With that in mind, Blake's actually really pissed off, despite how calm he might look on the outside. But being the guy that he is, the demon doesn't want to risk their friendship, even if he will need to have words with a certain vamp.

Interactions x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Soul taste Sweet/Dry
Thoughts It's Allen, and Blake recognizes his soul more than anyone. The demon is incredibly fond of Allen, even going as far as to protect the guy from anything/anyone. Allen is perhaps the only person Blake will trust more than anyone. However, the demon is wary of him, mostly because Allen has Innocence and can kill him if he chose to. But, Blake is determined to keep an eye on him no matter what.
Interaction x x x x


Soul taste Bitter/Sour
Thoughts Blake isn't exactly fond of the vampire and the feeling is mutual. However, as much as he hates to admit it, the demon admits that there are some similarities between the two of them. Of course, he'd rather deny it than ever admit this outright. The two of them can practically kill each other with a glare if looks could kill. Albeit, the demon enjoys messing with the vampire a lot, if only to see what reactions he'll get out of him. Though, lately, Blake hasn't messed with the vampire - but this is mostly because he doesn't want to risk Avari getting into trouble.

Interactions x x x x x

Soul taste Dry/Sweet
Thoughts The kid isn't too bad, Blake supposes. He's quite a lively one and he can certainly brighten up someone's day. Though, Blake is starting to sense that there's something more to the kid that meets the eye. No pun intended.

Interactions x x x x x x

Soul taste Sweet/Sour
Thoughts The Crow has become someone Blake eventually learned to trust - though not by a lot. He trusts him to take care of Avari and although he doesn't necessarily show it, Blake does look out for the Crow. Just like when he told him about Insanity. Now, Blake won't deny that although the Crow doesn't like him nor trust him, the demon is quite fond of him. Of course, this also means that the demon is kind of obligated to follow the Crow's orders whenever he uses his real name. Not that Blake will tell his other counterpart about that though. Out of all the people he met, the Crow's soul interests him the most.

Interactions x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Soul taste N/A
Thoughts You're his bff and he would do anything for you. The angel's the most important thing to Blake, aside from Avari and Hobollen, of course. It was a surprise to be best friends with an angel version of himself, honestly, but Blake doesn't mind it at all. If he had to choose between being his duties as a demon or the angel, he would most definitely choose the angel. Hell, he'll fight Lucifer if he had to. He would most definitely lie having feelings for him, however, because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Blake would rather prefer having the angel's friendship than anything.

Interactions x x x x x x x x

Soul taste N/A
Thoughts Hates the guy. But at the same time, Blake finds so much amusement by talking to him. Though, of course, this guy sets his teeth on edge. It was a pleasure killing him though. Blake wants nothing to do with Insanity nor does he want that guy to go anywhere near his daughter. He'll kill the guy again if he does. Insanity just gets on his nerves. More so than the vamp - and that's never a good thing. He still doesn't like the fact that Insanity has Miranda somewhere where he can't find her.

Interactions x x x x x x x x x x

Tyki Mikk

Soul taste Sweet
Thoughts He doesn't mind the guy too bad. Actually likes him. Plus, it's because of Tyki that he has Avari in the first place.

Interaction x x x x x x x x

Soul taste Dry
Thoughts Blake actually doesn't mind the cat's company so much. It's rather nice talking to him honestly. Though, he's rather curious about this "mouse" Tyki has decided to involve himself with.
Interactions x x x x


Soul taste N/A
Thoughts Kanda's...not exactly Blake's favorite person, but he does tolerate the guy. There's even a spark of protectiveness within the demon since insane Lavi is going around and killing people :| ANYWAY, Demonvi needs to bother Kanda more, even if it is just to mess around with him, but mostly because he's a tad worried about him.

Interactions x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Soul taste N/A
Thoughts Blake loves Miranda. But not in that way, mind you. He cares about Miranda as one would care about their own sister. The demon is especially fond of her and would do anything to protect her. However, despite their closeness with one another, Blake doesn't exactly trust Miranda. Even moreso since Insanity had arrived. Blake purposely made sure to avoid talking about important information that involves himself since Insanity will use Miranda to find more information out about him. However, he certainly does care about her. She's right next to the angel on his list.

Interactions x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Soul taste Sweet/Spicy
Thoughts She's perhaps the only Noah that he'll ever be comfortable around with. Blake bears no grudge against the Noah so he has no trouble at all getting to know this Miranda. She's still the same Miranda but at the same time, he can sense the dark matter within her. Of course, there's still the matter of exactly trusting her.

Interactions x x x x x

‡ blake (demonshistory), → dgmdressroom, !relationships

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