ξ And so the tragedy begins ξ

Nov 23, 2010 17:09

It was only the year 2035. The earth had finally stood still, bringing a myriad of storms onto the frozen planet. Deserts, flooded cities, overgrown forests, acid rain - all had completely taken over. Humanity was striving to survive on this desolate land, but slowly, surely, humanity was becoming endangered as the animals hunted them down, desperate to survive. The remaining humans constructed a building - one that could withstand the harsh weather conditions and keep out the dangerous predators. In hopes for survival, the humans managed to find the remains of technology.

They conducted experiments on each other, planting a unique program into each person that would help them continue to survive. These programs became known as O.R.D.E.R - Organization, Reconstruction, Destruction, Excommunication, and Recovery. As it is, the five original experiments had gained these programs.

Malcom C. Leverrier had obtained Organization.

Mana Walker had obtained Reconstruction.

Adam Fall had obtained Destruction.

Neah Walker had obtained Excommunication.

Cross Marian had obtained Recovery.

Together, these five had managed to ensure that humanity had managed to survive in this time-forsaken wasteland. However, Adam soon began to turn against his comrades, taking away thirteen others and suddenly disappeared. One of them was Neah, and realizing Adam's true intentions, he killed off the others, except Adam and a young girl name Road. Neah fled, meeting up with Mana who soon joined with him. After Neah died, Mana had taken Excommunication and broke it into fragments, handing half of it to Cross and keeping the other half to himself. However, Leverrier soon learned of this and ordered Mana to be killed so that he can obtain the rest of the fragments.

After Mana died, Reconstruction broke into fragments, hidden away from the world and implanting themselves into new vessels. Soon enough, Cross Marian went missing, keeping Recovery as a honing signal to the fragments.

Angered, Leverrier kept the building, implanting the fragments from Excommunication into suitable vessels that were able to withstand the pain. It is his belief that he would use them to set the world right once more and take it as his own.

Adam, as well, believed that it was his duty to heal the world by destroying it.

Now, it's the year 2070, and the world is still in disarray. 35 years had passed since that day of Betrayal, and now a new program had appeared.

H.E.A.R.T - Holy, Extermination, Angelic, Remembrance, and Temperance.

It is said that if the H.E.A.R.T is found, then the world will be the way it was before it stood still. However, it is no easy feat for it could reside in any human, any survivor, and the war has finally begun.

The Noah are a group of people gathered by Adam, or rather, the Milennium Earl. 35 years ago, he originally took 13 others - including Neah - and fled from the building (or rather, the company they had formed together called the Vatican). Adam implanted a fragment of his own program into the people he had taken (besides Neah), naming them to be the children of Noah. Though, after Neah killed them - with the exception of Adam and Road - Adam had decided to call himself the Milennium Earl and after 35 years, managed to find replacements for the programs that were left without a vessel. This time, he declared a war against the Vatican in order to "purify" their world.

The Vatican is the building that humans had constructed in 2035 in order to ensure that their kind will survive. It is now being led by Leverrier - the original vessel for Organization - and he is using the remaining fragments from Excommunication in order to plant into its new vessels. The goal for the Vatican is clear: Get rid of the Noah and take over the world, even if it means doing it through violent (and in their own way, "peaceful") means. The people who survive and become the new vessels for the fragments of Excommunication became known as "Exorcists".

The Programs
In order to ensure that their kind survives in this desolate wasteland, a group of scientists had gathered together and created the five original programs, O.R.D.E.R. They were continuously called A.I. but the programs were also called by a variety of other names as well. These programs also have a mind of their own, freely being able to choose their own vessels. Some of the "Exorcists" has begun to call these programs "Innocence." Without them, humanity would not have been able to survive and keep living on a world where life itself is endangered.

♕ xavier (lostrecord), ξ verse info, → dgmdressroom

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