Journal negligence and me

Jul 06, 2009 22:56

Has it really been a month since I last made a post? I have been well and truly negligent of my LJ recently. Mostly, that's because I've been using Twitter for little, non-journal-worthy items. I've also been very focused in the last week or so on getting my website active again. So far, so good - I've joined one of the larger Warhammer 40K blogging groups, and that's starting to slowly drive traffic and discussion to my site. Of course, it puts the onus on me to keep adding content, but so long as I have miniatures to build and paint and games to play and discuss, I should be able to keep the site going.

What else has been going on? We've got the exterior of our house pretty much done. Next up is the interior repairs that need doing. We've got professionals coming out to redo the tub/shower stall, and that should look fantastic once it's all completed. Other than that, there's a dent in the drywall that needs patching, a countertop that needs topping, and a supply valve that needs re-packing. The drywall dent will probably be done this week, as well as the supply valve; I have other errands to do on Friday, so I might as well get the supply valve done the same time. We still have more things to pack up and declutter, and I have a few things I should put up on eBay to make some extra scratch, but progress is being made. The house will probably be ready to go on the market in early August. It's a bit late for the main buying season, but we're hopeful that the tax breaks for new homeowners should attract buyers. Our hope is that the house will be sold before the end of the year, and that we'll be in a new house soon after. I think we can make it happen.

In family life, Z is keeping busy with art commissions, and Andromeda keeps both of us busy just being a kid. It's amazing to watch how quickly she's growing and learning; she's starting to pick up the basics of phonics and stringing letters into words, and her conversations are getting more and more coherent every day. There's still a fair amount of filler babble when she's just trying to mimic conversation, but she can be very clear with short sentences. She's also independent, wanting to do everything herself, but she isn't afraid to ask for help when it doesn't work on the first few tries. Watching her play and imagine has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life, and it's just starting.

website, life, andromeda, home

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