If it's not one thing...

Jun 06, 2009 21:35

the_z's brother and sister-in-law came down today to help us repair the porch and prep the house for repainting tomorrow. Meanwhile, tim_almasy helped us run our garage sale (which was a total bust) and move brush and old wood and shingles out from the kennel in back. Progress is already being made on the house - timbers have been replaced, the porch has been stripped down, and the house has been power-washed clean. Somewhere in the power-washing process, though, something went wrong. Oh, the washing itself is fine, but apparently a circuit got overloaded, as the ceiling fan stopped working - as did the garage door opener, and the light in the utility closet, and an outlet on the back of the house. I'm hoping the hot water heater still has juice - it's a gas unit, but I don't know if it needs power for anything. I'd hope it's on its own circuit, as is the furnace, A/C unit, and range.

Thing is, none of the circuits in the breaker box are flipped. They're all on. Either there's a hidden breaker I don't know about, or there's a circuit that doesn't have a breaker (in which case, it'd just keep pulling juice, right?), or there's a sudden wiring problem. I hope it's option number 1, because 2 and 3 utterly suck as alternatives.We so don't need this while trying to move the house.

EDIT: The hot water heater is gas-only, and it's still working. Thank God for that!
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