Life is going to get interesting.

May 26, 2009 11:56

For those of you who hadn't yet heard, we're looking at possibly moving to a house that doesn't yet exist. We've got the ball rolling, talking to the developers and a loan officer, and finding out where we stand with everything. We've got to fix up a few things around the house - mostly, redoing the tub/shower stall and repainting the exterior - and then we have to sell it. There will be packing, decluttering, garage-selling, storing, document signing, manual laboring, and all other sorts of business involved. The whole process got started very quickly (thanks to the_z, who kicked the whole thing off), and while at first it was overwhelming, it's now somewhat exciting. Whereas before I was scared and uncomfortable about the whole thing, as I don't take rapid change well, I'm now enthusiastic. I want this. I want to be able to do this. I think we can do it. There's a lot to do, and we're going to have to come up with some liquidity on the short term to make it happen, but I have faith that we can make it work out.

One great part about all of this is that, if it works out, we'll be in the same neighborhood as evildennis, hidaman, potato_monkey, and richman1. We'll literally be able to walk to each others' homes. We haven't been able to do anything like that since college, over a dozen years ago.

life, home

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