Almost done with September's painting.

Oct 06, 2008 23:20

I just about have the detail work done on the Fire Warriors from last month. Just a few minor touches to go, like the lenses on the gunsights and the gold bits on the rifles, and they'll be ready for basing.

If anything, this last month or so has taught me an important lesson - don't try to rush a painting project by doing several consecutive nights a week. By the end of the rush, my eyes were shot, my fingers were sore, my back was stiff (from being bent over tiny plastic figures), and I was just about to hit short-term burnout. Of course, the FO painting challenge pretty much died off, as far as I can tell, so I don't have to hit a schedule if the time's just not there. I'll still stick with painting unit by unit, and I'll still try to have my army done by June 1st of next year, but at least the pressure is somewhat lessened.

tau, warhammer 40k, painting, miniatures

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