Missed it by that much...

Sep 30, 2008 23:16

I didn't quite make my deadline for the month on mini painting. I got close, though - all 12 Fire Warriors are based, lined, and detail work has started on 8 of them (shoulder icons and helmet lenses are done). I think I should have the whole set done by Saturday night, just in time to start on October's Pathfinders and Devilfish.

By the end of the year, I should have around 1100 points worth of Tau painted, with something in every force chart spot except for Heavy Support - but I'll have 3 tanks primed ready to fill all three of those slots by then, too. By the end of the painting challenge, I'll be pushing 2000 points easily.

wh40k, tau, warhammer 40k, painting, miniatures

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