The Nature of Friendship

Apr 30, 2007 22:49

I finally feel inspired to write a real blog.

Do you wonder why people like some friends better than others? This is tonight's topic.

I used to think it was just a matter of how long you've known them, probably because most of my best friends I've know pretty much forever. But a lot of people seem to be like awesome friends with people they've know way less than yourself. What's the deal with that? Even when it's people who are mean to them, they will put them first.

Of course we all do this, not to be hypocritical, but still. I see it more with guy-girl or girl-girl friendships really, most of the time with two guys, if you hang out with them long enough you'll be friends even if you hated them beforehand. (As I have done many many a time, lol.) Heck! You still may hate them even though you're friends! (Again something I often do)

Like some girls will just abandon the girls they grew up with or had deep experiences, or something, and just make new friends in a year or so and all of a sudden they're "BFFs." Psssh! That's such an ironic concept! "Best" yeah right, "friends" maybe, "forever?" Yeaaah right! When do you ever hear a *straight* guy say BFF and be serious about it? None that I know of.

The more I think about this, the more I convince myself. Personally there is no one I love better than those people who obsess over me, or constantly talk to me, e.g. I trust them! (If you want me to like you, trust me!) A concept not know to most women. If you had to go into battle, would you rather have a tough guy at your side or a tough girl? Not to be sexist, but honestly? Personally, I'd think I would be statistically be more likely to choose a wimpier guy over a stronger girl, just cause she's a girl. Is that sexism? Probably, see my previous blog, ha ha.

Is this a result of our society!? Possibly... Today everyone has to be equal! Can't discriminate against someone who is different! Right? This really makes little, to no sense at all. Pretty soon we will be hiring mobility impaired people to do construction or something. This is even worst than discrimination itself, I think.

I digress. Back to the subject: girls making people sad.

A "friend" of mine was telling me recently that people would get mad at her when she tried to discuss her problems with them. Apparently they would say: "why do you burden me with this?" That really made me realize that a friend would want to be burdened with your problems, right?

I know with me, I get too much like this. I get so excited to talk about other people, that I don't really share enough of myself, either that or I say too much. One or the other. Usually both, lol.
Am I not trustworthy in some way?. If I am, tell me why. Is there anything that I do that is annoying? Am I boring?? Honestly! Tell me! Tell your other friends as well. I tell people they're boring all the time! Do it!

Isn't that the nice thing to do anyway? Let's hear some stuff from you guys -->

frienship nature girls sexism modern lov

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