Twitter Log 002 His and Her Problems
Authors note: logs made by
insane_desire and
resha_ueda He has problems, she has problems, why not discuss it on Twitter! Just because the people involved needed a place where they can all talk without having to overpower each others voices
His Problem...
boss_Ryo: @CaptJin_saiko @YamaPi and @UedaRock Can you give me advice
miss_maia:@yamaPi what does @Boss_ryo need? O.o
reshalove @boss_ryo awww ryo-chan goes emo
Princedaigo: @Boss_ryo do you need my help??
boss_ryo @Princedaigo if it comes from you... NEVER MIND @reshalove can I eat at your place?
Princedaigo: @boss_ryo WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!
boss_ryo @ Princedaigo just. NO.
miss_maia @princedaigo leave @boss_ryo alone. @boss_ryo: what's wrong dear?
reshalove: @boss_ryo: okay do i need to prepare boxes of tissue?
boss_ryo:@miss_maia nothing. just stop hanging out with @Princedaigo
miss_maia: @boss_ryo: why should i stop hanging out with him?
boss_ryo:@miss_maia he's not a good influence
reshalove @YamaPi can you come over too?
princedaigo: @boss_ryo why am i not a good influence
boss_ryo: @princedaigo you're too sparkly!
uedarock: @reshalove can i come over too
Her Problem...
babyidda: is it possible that i can have two suns? or should the other one be my moon? * 0 *
Taiyosun: how can her world have 2 suns
babyidda: oh sunshine help me decide~
Miss_Maia: I have the same problem @babyidda
Ultrashoon: it's possible... Could she choose between light and dark @babyidda
babyidda: @miss_maia really? you have 'sunshine' too?
babyidda: @Ultrashoon if i have to i would but if don't i wont * o *
miss_Maia: yup mine is more like #prince and the#pauper
babyidda: @miss_maia if you were to choose... who would you pick?
Ultrashoon : that's unfair@babyidda
Miss_Maia: the one in my heart @babyidda but I could learn to love him
babyidda: @ultrashoon its very hard @miss_maia i am very confused~
captjin_saiko: don't worry be happy
reshalove: @captjin_saiko jollibee?
Miss_Maia it's part of it @babyidda
Captjin_saiko @reshalove hahaha no
me: babyidda: @miss_maia * 0 *
reshalove: @captjin_saiko jinjin...
Captjin_saiko: <3 u @ reshalove
uedarock: @captjin_saiko no you don't @reshalove will come to pick you up later #princess
Princedaigo: princess @miss_Maia I sent the cake to your house but I have a present for you and ur sister
Captjin_saiko: noooo I'm coming with you @uedarock @reshalove
Miss_Maia: @prIncedaigo eh?! What for?
Taiyousun: if she chooses to, I can be both...
Miss_Maia: @princedaigo are you coming over?
reshalove: @YamaPi bring some strawberries @captjin_saiko no you will not
Princedaigo : on the way,luv @miss_maia
boss_ryo @Princedaigo @captjin_saiko you're not welcome at the namikaze residence! @miss_maia when i arrive
I'll lock the door @reshalove meet me at the gate
reshalove @boss_ryo hai! @babyidda sis call me when you're on your way home. @SarahN_RN be sure to eat okay!
@captjin_saiko @boss_ryo is right... you're not welcome today
Miss_Maia; don't be mean @boss_ryo!
uedarock @captjin_saiko told you you're not welcome!
Miss_Maia @princedaigo please don't believe @boss_ryo and come
Captjin_saiko: waaaaaaaah!!!! Why not universe?!
reshalove @boss_ryo find a vacant room in the house so you wont see @Princedaigo if there's none use my room instead just don't throw things... @captjin_saiko promise you'll behave @uedarock see you soon
Princedaigo. Is at @miss_Maia house.... Later twitterverse
Boss_ryo: @reshalove open your door im here so is @YamaPi and @uedarock
reshalove: @boss_ryo okay!
naughty_notti@ reshalove im back! are you available?