„Red Eye“ is a thriller about a young hotel manager, Lisa Reisert, who has a momentous encounter with a man, Jack Ripper, at an airport. They both take the same flight and surprisingly sit next to each other. It turns out that this is no coincidence: Mr Ripper starts to tell Lisa what he is really interested in and blackmails her.
The film is nothing extraordinary and filled with clichés, but still entertaining enough to keep you entertained although you shouldn't expect too much realism. To use a plane as the setting of the movie is a good idea and already brought a certain powerful atmosphere to “Flightplan” with Jodie Foster. There aren’t many surprises, if any - especially after the action leaves the plane, there is absolutely nothing unexpected. I still enjoyed it though and didn’t feel a big decrease of suspense.
While Rachel McAdams’ acting is rather pale, Cillian Murphy does a good job and already brings across a certain feel of danger in the beginning of the movie.
“Red Eye” is definitely not Wes Craven’s best movie, but only a decent attempt at a thriller outside of the horror genre.