i am still alive - i promise!

Nov 21, 2005 16:27

WOW...i haven't updated in a week-and-a-half.

you know why?
because i didn't really have anything to update about...
and i still don't...LOL.

Coldplay is coming to Louisville on Feb. 23. i planned on buying 2 tickets and finding someone to go with me (probably the lovely Brittney, again) but due to the car issue and Christmas soon approaching, i didn't want to get my bank account down low. then, i thought about using a credit card, but i told myself i wouldn't use them once i paid them off in October, so i couldn't bring myself to do it. even though i really, really wanna see them again. oh well, at least i have seen them once. maybe Brittney bought two tickets and will need someone to buy one of them from her...maybe...?

i've been getting really antsy about school being over. this is my last semester. i'm excited, but when i tell everyone they always ask me what after that. i joke with them and tell them maybe i stay at Wal-Mart forever, or maybe i;ll quit my job and become a bum...the real answer is - i don't know. of course, the first step is trying to find a job in my field. i'd really like to find a job in Knoxville, TN and move there, but i'm not sure i'm ready for that. a new career and out on my own all at the same time. i figure maybe i should go for the new career, then work on the out on my own thing. it's not that i'm dependent on my family cuz really i'm not (oh, except i can't cook and i might die of starvation once i move out...lol), but we are very close. we spend a lot of time together - rather it be watching TV or movies, shopping, playin board games, eating dinner together, or just laughing at each other. we are very close. it scares me to not have them around.

i have realized that i have skipped and missed (due to illness of myself and my car)more classes this semester than i have missed the entire time i have been at IUS. i think that's really sad. some days, i just get off work and get out of bed and say "fuck it, i don't wanna go today." my grades aren't failing as a result. i think i just want it to be over.

wow, i'm proud of me. i have typed a fairly long journal without bitching or mentioning work. there's just no use in wasting my breath...er, energy. LOL


Happy Thanksgiving to all! Be safe and happy. Cherish your family (even if they get on your nerves and drive you crazy...lol). :)
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