This post reminded me that I promised to send some hugs to a friend of mine that's going to Burning Man this year. This person is going through some life changes and could use some extra hugs, and was hoping I'd be there to deliver them in person. Since I won't be there, I said I'd send some hugs along with someone else.
I did notify this person that the hugs might have to be passed through several other people before it got to its intended target, and might not even be recognizable as having originated from me by that time. I think this person understands. I figure it's futile, even counter-productive, to describe this person or where they're camped. When you go to Burning Man, you're more likely to find what you need than what you think you're looking for: You'll find this specific person if you need to because you needed to, not because I told you to.
So, anyway, if you're heading to the Playa, and you haven't left yet, I'd like to try to meet up with you, even very briefly, before you leave and give you a great big hug; for you to pass on, from me, to someone else. Who can then pass it on to someone else, and eventually it'll get to where it's going.