Hello network.
[ He's got a better idea of how to use the device now, and he's actually holding it correctly. Text transcription into other languages was another skill he picked up, but being this is the quintessential English prick, Arthur sees no reason to try and communicate with those that don't speak his language.Currently I'm located at
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You hear him before you see him. ]
Nearly. You're safe this time because he slows down a lot.
It is an enthusiastic embrace, followed by extensive clinging. ]
Aaaaah, it is so good to see your bush brows in person!!! I was so excited! So excited!
--KOREA! [ CRINGING READY TO BE KNOCKED DOWN AND---it.... it doesn't happen. He just has a rather annoying Korean teenager clinging to him like the plague. ]
...Korea. [ And suddenly, pushing, squirming, general freaking out because he's touching him! ] IM YONG! [ Pushing at his face and chest and arms and--breaking away. And then standing a good six feet away from the Korean man, brushing himself down before huffing. ]
Korea. It is generally not considered polite to attack people like that, just so that you are aware. I am... not quite as excited to see you, but I suppose I am pleased... in the way one is to see a beloved dog that has ran away for some time, only to find it once more after many days of worrying, but finding out it has become rabid. [ A frown. ] Did you hear my message to the network?
He simmers down, taking a deep breath. ]
I am sorry. I am overwhelmed with excitement, I am shaking like a little branch. I should respect my elders. [ even though I am older than you. And everyone.
In one arm, he is cradling his kimchi jar which still hasn't been eaten completely, and somehow hasn't broken yet. ]
Ne, I heard your message. I want to help you!
You have all of my services!
[ .... hesitantly shuffling closer... ]
[ He heaves a sigh. ]
All right. All right. [ Glancing behind him. Then to the side. Then to the other side. This time, it's England who shuffles closer and leans in, voice lowering dramatically. ]
I'm going to go venture out. [ With a jerk of his head, he motions behind himself. ] I mean honestly out. Into the forests. I want to see what's out there, if there's an escape. I know there's nothing in this miserable city, or the other one I was in. Would you like to come with me?
[ Because yes, you're annoying Korea, but you're also loud and annoying and these alleged monsters might eat you first... ]
Ohh Mister England you are like a spy.
His voice his just above a whisper as he speaks. ]
Aaahh, okay. You want to go and piss your pants. It is a really scary place here.
That is a stupid idea, okay. You should be hit on the head for your foolishness. If I were your mother, I would say, "You are worthless, the first born of my womb. Why did you take so much after your father? Let the Internet educate you for wise choices instead!"
I-I am not sure if I can make such a commitment but...
I have a weapon I could give you.. if you really wanted.
[ He is speaking in all seriousness here wow what a 180 turn. ]
---Aaah, I did offer all my services to you, didn't I? I suppose I cannot go back on a word if you, ah, need company or assistance.
[ Wow. ]
[ He just got told off by Korea. He can do one of three things:
A. Shrink back and feel very stupid for suggesting any of that in the first place.
B. Thank him for his time and walk away to go pursue someone more useful.
C. Become obstinate, grow angry, shout. ]
It isn't stupid! My God, what do you know! You're just like the rest of this sad old lot, sitting around, doing shite-all, just trying to survive in this miserable habitat like the pathetic bunch of wankers you are! If you were a citizen of my country, I would disown you! For fuck's sake, I don't know why I bothered asking you in the first place, I should have guessed you would have given me such a cowardly answer!
[ Guess which one is the English way. ]
I... I-I-- [ Well, he's not going to apologise, that's for sure. ] --I mean, that's what I would have said had you been serious about refusing to offer your assistance! A hypothetical answer, you see. However, seeing as you are offering your assistance, that aforementioned tirade wasn't actually meant in earnest, you see.
[ So much backpeddaling what is his life ] So then! You'll come with me, and we'll both find an exit to this awful place, you with your... [ A wild hand gesture to his companion of the moment. ] Korean fighting abilities, and I shall find us some weapons to wield, whether those be guns or arrows, I cannot say for sure.
Heh. [ Clearing his throat. ] Well then. Um. [ Shuffling his feet, wow he is just... going to be red... for the rest of the day... ] Do you... do you live around Discedo like? Just so I know if I ( ... )
Ach, aigoh, what an ass thing to say! I am merely being-- aa--
Aaaaa-- you really do not know social skills. In Korea, we know how to properly have a conversation. I will teach you! You are lonely with nobody to talk to and so you go insane, I am thinking, sometimes.
It is okay, my friend! You can talk to me; I will help and be the best even if your emotions are like an untamed ocean; calm one moment and wild the next.
[ The bit concerning his fighting abilities peaks his attention to where you have suddenly gotten him in military mode. Truth be told, he was a pretty good fighter. ]Aaah, yes, yes! So you know of the fighting abilities? Aaah, taekwondo, it is better than any Japanese samurai! I will beat the ass of any monster, and you can intimidate with your bush brows. We will be an unstoppable duo, and become even more intimate than ( ... )
[ Well he's not embarrassed anymore, though he might still be red in the face. More out of anger, if anything. ]
And I'll have you know I have plenty of people to talk to, and even if I didn't, I don't need anyone! I'm not recruiting you to be my friend, you idiot! I'm recruiting you as a soldier, so start acting like one! [ Aggravated sigh. ] And we're not going to be 'intimate'; my God, could you find a better word to use? Please?
[ Ignoring about half of that. ] Right, well. Explain away.
I-I'm recruiting you to be my friend.
[ doki doki. soft smile, eyes shining. You're fascinating to him.
He reaches over and lightly grabs his hand, tugging him along to the apparent direction of the forest. ]
Okay, so. Some of the monsters really like kimchi, and some of them really don't. I found out the hard way, and pissed my pants from being scared.
If it would help you, aaa, I suppose I could lend you my jar of kimchi for awhile.
It is very special to me, so don't do anything stupid with it.
[ this is his way of helping. 8| ]
[ A brow raise. ]
I see. [ Whoa whoa whoa wait, WAIT. Slowing down, digging his heels in, grabbing Korea and holding him still. ] Howay man, slow up will you? We're not going anywhere yet, you gowk. [ A shake of the head. ]
I think we're going to need a more effective weapon than kimchi. [ And for once, for once, in the brief moment between breaths, a somewhat considerate thought occurs to him, and begrudgingly: ] I mean, of course, we wouldn't want to waste good food, right?
Aaa, what? Are you showing signs of a coward already even though this idea would not be approved by your mother--?
She would be so worried.
And yet, your father would be so disapproving of your spineless ways!
Aaah, it is such a predicament, isn't it?
[ He swings their hands a little, smiling. ]
No way, bro! I've discovered some like kimchi and so they leave me alone, and some hate the kimchi, so they run away! It is a powerful tool!
And some just get more angry and I shit myself.
Maybe more preparation would be a good idea before we do this then, right?
No, I'm showing signs of thinking things through you daft twat. [ And with that, he hits him lightly upside the back of his head. ] My mother, Christ, you're right on that; my mother would love to see me do something stupid and have my head taken. Luckily, I'm not my mother.
[ A roll of the eyes. Korea, you are eerily accurate here... ]
[ A brow raise at 'bro'. ] That's preposterous. You dont' fight monsters with rotten vegetables, unless you're at a play and the monsters are just terrible actors. And usually, that's fruit.
[ A brief nod to show he agrees, but beyond that, he doesn't answer. ]
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