"Reid doesn't really do serious, but....yeah, it's serious."

Jul 11, 2011 01:18


I'm supposed to do the rewatch post! It's my turn!. Boobs even reminded me yesterday. I keep forgetting! I've been so focused on the novel. Ayiyi. Okay, so...here we go. It'll have to be fast, which really just means I'll blab endlessly and with even less filter. Here we go.

We begin with Luke walking into Java to see the original Douche standing behind the counter. Oh, Douchey, why you gotta be back so soon? :( Anyway, Luke, being Luke, is made of love and he smiles all sweetly and says, "New uniform?" because TD is wearing a blazer and is attempting to look fine. (It is, imho, undermined by his thick neck and his squinty face, but YMMV, of course. As my mama said, there's no accounting for taste. *tongue in cheek*)

Luke on the other hand? OMFG JESUS AND MARY HE IS SO YUMMY IN THAT OUTFIT. I remember when this aired, and I was home for my very late and very long lunch break (I, uh, might've been a bad employee at this part of my life during the days that Luke/Reid aired...just maybe!) and he came onto my HD screen looking like a dew-kissed yummy cake all decked out in that green that made his eyes look all warm and clear, and I was like "I AM MELTING! MELTING FROM THE YUMMY LUKE SNYDER HOTNESS! REID! COME DO SOMETHING WITH THAT PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED ASS!!!" Of course, that was just me. I'm sure none of you had any thoughts like that at all. Right?

Right. So, focus, Rhi. Jeebus. Seriously, though, I'm having a hard time following the actual conversation because Luke looks so hot in that shirt, and when he moves you can see his pecs, and dammit, Luke, I'm trying to report the actual events here!!

So TD has a meeting with someone at the Lakeview about his movie, and Luke already knows because Alison told him. TD acts a little ashamed and says, "I was going to tell you," or something, we don't care. Frankly, Douche? We'd all rather you didn't tell Luke anything ever again.

Luke says that TD looks handsome (wha?? Luke drank Nukie juice for too long; it fried his brain-meats :X) and TD is all trying to press that comment a bit, like the fact that Luke said he was handsome meant that TD had another shot at Luke's ass. As if. (As if TD even wants a shot at Luke's ass; I mean, he barely scored with it when he could, and he withheld for months when he was pissed -- which was all the time -- and, really, it's all just an ego thing for him anyway. But I digress. Again.)

Luke calls him capable and other positive things because, yes, Luke is made of puppies, moonbeams, and all things good rolled up into that yummytown package.

Um, I'm 40 seconds in, y'all. I need to get a little more brief here if I want to go to sleep.

So, zooming ahead!

Luke congratulates Noah on living his dream, and Noah says he's not living his dream exactly, because he'd always assumed that when he moved out to L.A. he'd ask Luke to come with him. And Luke, looking so fucking pretty I can't deal, says that he always assumed that when Noah asked, Luke would say yes. And then Noah, being the most self-absorbed douche to ever douche (okay, I take it back, Chris totally gives him a run for his money there), says:

I'm asking, Luke. Come to L.A.?

Luke looks sad and takes a deep breath.

I think we're supposed to assume that Luke has mixed feelings and regrets and yadda, because that's what I've seen other fans say about his expression, but to me? He just looks like he pities Noah and doesn't want to hurt him.

We then cut to Reid, who is looking ridiculously smoking hot, imho, with his hair curly and guh, and his face all frowny while he asks the other douche, Chris, "What are you doing?" They have the same argument they have for the rest of the show where Reid tells Chris to get an MRI and see an cardiologist, and Chris idiotically declines. Chris claims to be doing it for Katie, he doesn't want to worry her, you see.

Reid says, "You're right she's already been through a lot. What with her husband dying. You'd think the last thing she needs is to trip over your lifeless body."

Oh, what is that? Is that common sense we hear? Alas, people with common sense must die in train crashes while fulfilling unnecessary redemption arcs live happily ever after with Luke Snyder, raising little Snyder-Olivers, and saving tons of lives with their super-smart brain and steady hands...so, go on with your bad self, Reid, and tell it like it is!

Now, let's examine the conversation Luke is having with Noah, shall we? I mean, on the surface, Noah doesn't seem that douchey at first, but let's take a look:

Luke: As tempting as that offer is, I can't go to L.A. right now.
Noah: I figured you'd say that. I assume it has to do with Reid.
Luke: And I figured that's what you'd assume.
Noah: Well, what other reason would you have for not coming with me to L.A.?


*blinks again*

Oh no you di'nt! Um, hello, son, but this here Luciano Eduardo Grimaldi Snyder of the smoking hot bod being finely showcased in that green shirt? He's got, oh, I don't know, a life here in Oakdale, okay? He's got a family, two careers, responsibilites, and a boyfriend. And you're asking why he wouldn't just up and walk away from all of that, or go through the trouble of relocating his businesses, etc, to go to L.A. with you? You who have dumped him and dumped him and hurt him and emotionally abused him for years, and really only want him with you now because it's part of your dream? I mean, hello, Douche, have you ever even asked Luke what his dreams are? Oh, wait, I'm sure you did, and Luke, being Luke, probably told you that his dream was you. But, guess what! You didn't want that, did you? Oh, no, you didn't want it until he'd focused his love on someone else, and now you want him back.

So, no, Noah, he doesn't want to go to L.A. with you, and, no, it isn't just because of Reid, thank you very much. Luke Snyder is becoming his own man, and Reid is only a part of that picture.

So, uh, Luke tells him that, but he only takes one sentence to do so, because he's more concise than me.

Luke reminds Noah that they are broken up, because Noah has a really hard time remembering that. Well, he did suffer brain trauma. Maybe that's his problem. And Noah's response to that is: Luke, I was blind! I was going through a lot!

*headdesk headdesk headdesk*

Hey, y'all! Did you know that Noah was blind? And he was going through a lot? THIS IS NEWS TO ME.

And then Luke starts to get a bit angry, and I love it. I love how he states the absolute truth. He says, "I wanted to be there for you but you didn't want that. You didn't want me, and now...now that I've found someone who does?" And the TD interrupts him before he can finish that very true thought. Noah insists that isn't at all why he wants Luke back.

Noah says that his reason for asking Luke to go to L.A. has nothing to do with Reid, and Luke (OMG HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL) says, "Well, if we're being honest, me staying here? Does have something to do with Reid." Booyah! Take that Noah Mayer!

Noah then tries to guilt trip Luke, and he makes some noise about how he never thought this would happen to them (i.e. that he never thought they'd actually break up for good. *rolls eyes* Then why'd you keep dumping Luke, you dumbass?) and then asks if it is serious between Reid and Luke.

Luke smiles and looks smitten (though still sad for Noah's feelings) and says, "Well, I never expected it to be, and Reid...he sure didn't plan on it, but..." (And, oh, oh, oh, Luke's face when he says Reid's name??? Eeee! He can't keep his lovesick expression off even for Noah's sake!)

Noah asks, "What do you mean?"

And Luke explains that Reid doesn't really do serious, but...yeah, it's serious.

Eeee!!! *flails arms, flaps about* OMG OMG OMG! It's serious and he's so cute and OMG! Also, I love how he phrases it, he knows that even though Reid doesn't "do serious", Reid is soooooo doing serious with him, and Luke loves being the exception.

At the same time, Luke looks so sad for Noah, and he really doesn't want to hurt Noah's feelings at all. Noah looks like someone just took his favorite toy and said he can't have it back anymore, so, you know, he looks half mad and half like he's gonna throw a big baby fit over it, but swallows it back with a manly squint.

Cut to the very sexy and very grown up Reid arguing more with Chris. I mean, the difference in maturity level between Noah and Reid? Holy smokes. It's like going from a playground to a business meeting.

Blah blah Chris guilts Reid into continuing to help him and Reid yells at him and looks hot. Katie shows up. Reid encourages Chris to be honest with Katie, but he just turns it on Reid, and Reid says, "Doogie hates me because I'm brilliant." Then Reid leaves the room and takes our interest with him. Katie follows Reid and then confronts Reid in the hall, and Reid admits that he cares for Katie, which is so sweet.

Back to Luke and TD. Luke is still working so hard to get that sweet, final goodbye that he really desires from Noah. He tells Noah that there will never be anyone like him, not for Luke. Well, no -- there is never anyone like your first love, and sometimes that's a damn good thing. Ha. In this case, for example. Luke declares what they had so special, and I want to pet him and love him forever, because this is so desperately how he wants to remember it. He's willing to overlook the bad because he knows it's over, and he wants to have this bittersweet, tender goodbye. Bless. He's such a damn romantic.

Luke wants to know how the goodbye thing is going to be - sad, bittersweet, angry, what? - and Noah returns to punishing form by saying, "Just no hugging and no kissing," because he remembers their first and last kiss, and he wants to remember what was best. (Uh...I remember their first and last kiss, too, and they both sucked horribly, actually. After the first, Noah lied and said it was all a joke and was a cruel dick. After the last, Luke dumped him while crying and Noah didn't react at all. So, yeah, you go on and remember those times, Douche.)

Anyway, my theory is this is just another way to punish Luke. He knows as well as we do that Luke wants the goodbye hug, and maybe a peck on the cheek, and to feel like it is all wrapped up in a painfully bittersweet bow, and Noah's not going to give that to him. And Luke so knows this. When Noah delivers his line about wanting to remember the best, Luke gives him this look that I'm sure some fans think is just full of regret, but I think is a combination of pity and bewilderment that Noah is so incredibly delusional that it circles back to pity again.

Luke's phone rings and it's Reid, who immediately knows that Luke's not in the best place, and asks, "Are you okay?" *flails* Reid knows his Luke. :D :D :D

Reid has to put off meeting Luke, and Luke says patients come first and to come when he can. N'awww.

Noah is then a massive, massive, massive, massive douche who is bitter that he owes Reid for his eyesight. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THIS. TAKE IT FOR ME IN COMMENTS, BBS.

Noah guilts Luke more by making some stupid comment about having been so scared while he was blind that he'd never see Luke again, and then he just walks out. Maybe you should've told Luke that when you were blind, Douchey. Ugh. He's just so self-absorbed.

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Part two begins with the cutest thing that ever happened on Dayime TV ever ever ever! Over-caffeinated Luke comes to the hospital looking for Reid! He is so adorable that my teeth ache! And, also, can I point out that he's not grieving overly much. He's right back on the happy to be with Reid track after finally getting his goodbye with TD. (Oh, how I wish it was the last one! Alas!)

Becca, the nurse that for whatever reason I like best, tells Luke that Reid's not there, and Luke makes a series of faces that make me so happy I wanna die!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE = LUKE SNYDER ON CAFFEINE!!!

Cut to the Lakeview where Chris is meeting up with Reid to get his shots in his ass. In a hotel room. *rolls eyes* If they'd had any brains, they would've played this whole slash thing with Reid/Chris up for a lot more comic effect, made Luke start to think they were having an affair, or maybe have Katie think it - like when Chris doesn't want to have sex with her, she could've started to suspect that he was on the DL with Reid, and hijinks could have ensued that had nothing to do with trains! But...whatever, anyway. Yeah.

TD is there getting completely unbelievable compliments from some L.A. grant dude, and he sees Reid getting on the elevator with Chris. So, TD leaps to conclusions and calls Luke immediately. Oh, TD. What else would we expect?

Chris and Reid are in the hotel room, and blah blah blah whatever whatever, Reid's a good man who has someone waiting for him. (Hee!! Luke! I love him! So does Reid!)

Luke rushes back to Java to meet Noah, all worried that something bad happened with Noah's movie grant. N'aw, Luke!! You are such a good person!!

La la la, Noah tells Luke that Reid lied to him, that he wasn't with a patient, but getting on the elevator with his arm around some guy.

Luke is immediately pissed. "Noah, what are you doing?"

Noah claims he's looking out for Luke. And, you know, I kind of believe him. I'm no fan of TD, as you're all aware, but what does he know about Reid? Almost nothing, and Luke just said that Reid doesn't do serious relationships, so...for all he knows, yeah, you know? Still, I love that Luke is so angry straight away and so defensive.

Noah says, "Reid's a genius, but he's also ambitious."

Luke is pissed. "Oh, wait, so not only is he cheating on me? But he's also using me?"

"Think about it, Luke. Think about the way he exploited you and your connections to the hospital."

Luke's face amazes me here and hurts my soul. He looks so wounded in his anger, and who can blame him. His ex just basically said that he wasn't good enough for Reid, and that Reid would only want him for his money.

Noah interrupts Luke's righteous anger by blurting out, "What do you feel for him?"

Luke says, "That is none of your business."

Noah says, "What does he feel for you? Is that your business? Has he told you that he loves you? Have you asked him if he does? Because you deserve to know!"

Okay, there are a few thoughts I have here:

a) I love that you just know that Noah thinks that Luke and Reid are fucking and is eaten up alive with jealousy. I LOVE THAT. EAT YOUR HEART OUT, DOUCHE.

b) Uh, hypocritical much, Douche? You took forever to tell him that you loved him, and then withheld your love on a very regular basis.

Luke's expression through the rest of this convo kills me. He looks hurt, angry, and like he might even cry to me.

"Noah, you are out the door, on a plane, going off to fame and fortune, and you made it very clear months ago that I was not going to be a part of that ride. And now you're trying to ruin this for me?"

Yeah, he is, Luke. And why is that? Because he's a selfish, self-absorbed douche! Always has been. Always will be. :(

Noah says, "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

And Luke calls his bullshit on that one by saying, "Then you never should have pushed me away."

Exactly. The Douche loved to see Luke hurt when he was the one doing it, that was his M.O. from the beginning of their relationship, and he absolutely did want to see Luke hurt when he was pushing him away; he even later admits it when he says that he was doing it to punish Luke.

Noah says, "You know, we used to love each other."

Luke says, "Yes, we did." PAST TENSE. "And I never would have done something like that to you."

No. Luke would never have pushed Noah away and purposely hurt him. Even earlier that day, when imparting news he knew would injure Noah, he didn't want it or enjoy it. Luke is the best guy ever.

Noah says, "Whatever you feel for Reid, Luke, just make sure it's not one-sided."

Luke looks pissed, but the seed of doubt has been planted in his mind, and because he has issues, what with the number his ex boyfriend did on his head and his natural self-esteem problems stemming from his fucked up life, he isn't all sunshine and trusting when Reid shows up at his door.

Reid declares Luke a hard man to find, and Luke makes five thousand awesome bitch faces while Reid rambles on about the meet and greet cocktail party that he's been invited to. The Luke declares that he didn't believe a word Reid just said and Reid narrows his eyes in sexy confusion.

Oh, boys.

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Direct link: http://youtu.be/_t7sbo4lev4

This post was made without the other mods' approval. So, if anything here is offensive, wrong, or typo-ridden, it is all my fault, okay? They are blameless!

these drama queens are mfeo, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid is in doctor mode, luke's chest hair ftw, poor bb luke, being reid's boyf is v awesome, panty melting hotness, crazy oakdale shenanigans, entitled moments in history, luke puts on his big boy pants, luke gets his drama on, the douche remains douchey, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, comment fic, noah is scared of luke's peen, luke and reid need to touch, luke has bitch face, cockblockers association of oakdale, i am luke hear me roar, go luke! \o/, reid's bringing sexy back, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, reid has frown face, luke = love, reid pwns noah, messing with luke's big gay head, douchey moments in history

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