Hello rewatchers! We pick up right where we left off - in the corridor of Memorial after the PDA Kiss of Epic Awesomeness! \o/
Luke is giddy at how great the kiss was. Oh, Luke! His Adorbs-O-Meter is on 11 out of 10 right now. Luke has to explain to Reid what PDA stands for, and is super happy that Reid doesn't have anything against engaging in it unlike a certain douchebag who couldn't even introduce Luke as his boyfriend for like a year. Yep, Reid's totally on board with getting some Snyder lips action anywhere he can kthx! Delighted, Luke asks Reid out on a date. Srsly, I am dying from the cute. Also, Luke totally decided he was going to give Reid some sex that night riiiiiight about... now. I'm sure of it. He really liked that kiss, okay.
Enjoy these five minutes of absolute cuteness and happiness, people, the Douchey Hughes heart drama is about to go into full force and take over Luke and Reid's romance. :|
They start to head out when Douchey, I mean Doogie comes along. Chris has clrly inherited the Hughes Mad Cockblocking Skillz from Bob. Le sigh.
Chris wants Reid to get him some antibiotics for his virus. IDEK. Chris doesn't want anyone to question why he's ordering the medication but doesn't care about risking Reid's reputation. Grr. Luke goes on ahead to Metro for their date and Reid stays behind to do Chris's bidding. He has some choice words for Chris and displays the good sense and respect for others' feelings that Chris is sorely lacking. I still can't believe this is the douchebag who deserved his HEA at Luke and Reid's expense. :| :| :|
Reid gets to Metro and finds Luke doing origami. I die. Luke comments how he was always the one who was running late and kept Noah waiting, so this must be karma at work. Reid no likey that.
At the bar, Reid chats to Katie, who just arrived with Casey and Alison. She tells him Chris is on the way for a double date. Reid can't believe it. Neither can I, bb. Neither can I.
Casey and Alison invite Luke to join them and he tells them he's on a date with Reid. They're all OMGWTF?!?! Then Ali tells Luke that Noah got a film grant and is moving to LA next month.
Luke's happy for him, because Luke is made of love, but he's also a little shocked.
Reid comes back to the table and Casey and Ali scamper off. Luke is suddenly ridiculously awkward, and Reid asks him why he looks like someone just ran off with his trust fund. Hee! Luke tells him Noah's moving away and Reid asks Luke how he feels about that, but before he can answer, Chris arrives. Reid goes to talk with him about their "patient" but not before he lays his hand over Luke's. So gallant!
Chris guilts Reid into going to the hospital to pick up his prescription and Reid tells him to make up an excuse for Luke. And to drink some water, since Chris is apparently a fucking idiot who got his medical degree in a cereal box and doesn't have enough sense to do it himself. I HATE YOU CHRIS HUGHES.
Chris does a piss-poor job of reassuring Luke, and then leaves the cosy double date when Reid arrives back with his drugs. BTW, why are the straight guys drinking gigantic glasses of beer and Reid got the little girlie glass? :|
Not happy with monopolising Reid for half the night already, Chris asks Reid to meet him in the men's room so he can get injected. Ahem.
Luke's happy to see Reid's back, but not so happy when he immediately leaves again. Ali appears like a creeper about .0001 seconds later and asks what's wrong, and Luke tells her Reid's mad at him for bringing up Noah. Ali's all, "Maybe Reid's not the right guy for you then", since y'know, she knows exactly ZERO about their relationship. :|
In the men's room, Reid tells Chris yet again that he's being unfair to Katie by keeping his condition from her and says he cares about her and that's not easy for him to admit about anyone. Oh, Reid. ILU SO MUCH. It's not easy, but he does say it, and he also tells Luke he loves him because Reid is a truly good man! Chris is really not.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzdxjxrNutM The date's now over, apparently, and Reid's walking Luke to his front door. <3
It's clear their date didn't get any better, and Luke tells Reid it wasn't how he thought it would go. "What were you expecting?" Reid asks. "Louder voices? Bigger smiles?"
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"More fun," Luke says. Reid gets cranky about Noah being the invisible third party on their date and Luke makes a joke of it, but then seeing that Reid's upset, he reassures him that it's Reid Luke wants. Not Noah. Then he cups Reid's face in his gigantic hands and proceeds to kiss him and make Reid's brain dribble out of his ears. \o/
Let's watch it in slow-mo, k? K!
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Nnnnngh. I love how Luke's thumb brushes across Reid's ear, and then his hands brush down his shoulders, and then Luke totally eye sexes the hell out of Reid at the end there, asfklj!!
Despite the date tanking, Luke's still pretty keen to get in Reid's pants, and he invites him inside, telling Reid that no one's home. LUKE WAS SO READY TO HAVE SEX RIGHT NOW, PEOPLE! Stupid Reid is a stupid man about it though, and pulls his own douchey move, declining Luke's offer and being all, "You wanted to wait. You got your wish."
Oh, Reid. I am disappoint. You've only punished yourself there, you do realise? Silly man.
Back at home, Katie's crying and Reid immediately asks if Jacob's okay. Reid's such a mush bag for that baby. *happy sigh*
Jacob's fine, it turns out Katie's confused and upset about Chris. Reid is not happy. OMG I HATE CHRIS SO MUCH!!! This hurts. :(((((
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK8kAePAD3o I THINK WE NEED SOME COMMENT FIC TO MAKE US ALL FETTER NOW, Y/Y?