discussion post: What happened between Bob's ultimatum and the hospital tour?

May 31, 2011 07:28

The hospital tour is coming up on Thursdays rewatch.   Luke and Reid are very couply in their irritation with each other, and Luke has that  "What the hell is up with you today?" attitude towards his apparent boyfriend.  Then when Luke finds out about the ultimatum, he's all, "How could you do this to me?  I took a chance on you...blah, blah, blah, drama, blah," like they had embarked on this assumed committed relationship that the fans never got to see take flight.

I remember when the episode originally aired, we were all WTH? about it and "relationship?  what relationship?"
SO, there must have been stuff that happened off camera in between the ultimatum episode and this one, right?

Let's post some of what we think happened to make them a real couple and to cause Luke to be so drama-FULL and angsty about the ulitimatum.


Carry on...

...there are so many gaps to fill from here on out...

luke wants in reid's pants, reid please cuddle luke, reid's bringing sexy back, luke gets his drama on, kissing!, discussion post, luke and reid need to touch

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