You guys, was that not the greatest line ever to leave Luke Snyder's lips? I've never heard such a beautiful thing and I remember screaming, "HIGH FUCKING FIVE!" to the television. I love this episode so, so much that I even made a video dedicated to it. But let's talk about that later. Let's talk about the episode now.
Luke sits there in front of his computer and looks at a promotional shot of Luke and Noah from a v. old ATWT photoshoot. Seriously, were they so hard up they couldn't take a picture on their phone, upload it to a computer, and print one out? Lame. Anyway, there's a reminder for June 9th on his calendar that says, "Film Festival Tickets?" No, Luke. No. That's an old life and you don't need it anymore. He realized this because he deleted the reminder.
Bob arrives and asks Luke to go to a meeting about the new wing. The board wants to sell the hospital to a company called Invicta. Bob basically wanted to pimp Luke out since he's a "major donor and a charming guy" so he's an asset to the team! Dr. Oliver will also be at the meeting to which Luke says, "You want to leave this woman with a good impression, yes?" They know each other so well. Bob wants Luke to get Noah so that they can show off Reid's brilliant project. Luke says that Noah may not want to be there if Reid's there. Enter Bob's confused face.
Reid has a follow-up with Noah about his surgery and he does say that he's showing signs of improvement. I don't believe this because The Douche is being super squinty! Reid should check again. Noah is SUPER pissed that his boyfriend (EX-BOYFRIEND, YOU DOUCHE) is mackin' on the hot doc. Reid informs him that he's been wanting in that Snyder since the, "Second or third time I laid eyes on him." I'm guessing because the second time he was too stunned by Luke's hotness and the third time he knew he wanted to get up on that.
The Douche is being extra douchetastic to his Dr. Hotness and he is majorly pwned at the end because Reid couldn't WAIT until Noah stopped being his patient so he can tell him off. Look how professional this man is. He maintains a doctor/patient relationship with Noah until Noah gives the okay to end it. Only then does Reid let him have it. Not only does he PWN The Douche but he shows just how much he was paying attention to their relationship with his own observations. He's standing up for Luke the way he said that someone should stand up for him. That "someone" is Dr. Reid Oliver. It proves how much Reid will never be the guy to treat Luke the way that The Douche has treated him during their dysfunctional relationship. You know what we say to that? FUCK YES. Or as Reid says, "Thanks to me, you can now see the door. Use it." OH, SNAP.
Luke tries to explain the situation to Bob but he can't say, "Reid and I are involved now and my ex, MY EX-BOYFRIEND, is not too pleased." But he convinces Bob that they don't really need Noah. Bob still tries to push for Noah and Luke's true to his word to try to help Bob out as much as he can. Why? Because Luke is awesome. The end.
The Douche is being extra douchey to everyone. He even yells at barista man that we've never seen before behind the counter. He's short tempered with Luke. Luke asks him to join the meeting. Noah says "yes" until he finds out Reid's there. Luke tells him to stop being an asshole and just GO. He argues that the whole time he was a patient, Reid was trying to seduce Luke. WHAT KIND OF DELUSIONAL UNIVERSE ARE YOU LIVING IN TO THINK THAT REID HAD TO TRY TO SEDUCE LUKE? They were sizzlin' from the start. This whole conversation is a bucket of awesomesauce and only becomes even more awesome when Luke says:
"What is wrong with you? You get your sight back but you lose your memory?"
Noah won't go to the meeting. Because he's a petty douche. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
Reid's at the meeting place and Bob gives him a pep talk to not be an ass while talking to the investor. He wants other people to talk about the wing and how great Reid is. Reid says, "Like who?" Mona comes in and Luke follows. Reid's eyes don't leave him. Srsly. Watch it. He doesn't stop looking at him for the longest time. Reid acts awkward and hyper around Mona and Luke interrupts numerous times to get him to STFU. But it's endearing and they look like a couple already. It's kind of awesome and quite epic.
Well, it was until Noah bursts into the room and then the vibe gets AWKWARD, AWKWARD! DANGER, LUKE SNYDER!
Mona grills The Douche about his experience and he gives Reid a semi-positive review. There's piano music playing in the background as if we're supposed to feel sorry for this asshole. No. Way. THEN, FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL (as is his M.O.) HE PUNCHES REID. Christ.
Luke makes sure that Reid's okay and frets over him, is unable to take his hands off of him. He even touches his chin to look at his nose. Luke insists on getting Reid's nose checked out -- his hand on his back even as they leave.
Blood on the napkin comes from absolutely nowhere and they joke about Reid's dead career as a male model. Luke tells him to consider himself lucky since Noah does know how to use a gun. Btw, there's some wacky OOC AU fic prompt ready for someone right there. Have at it. Reid says that he's fallen for Luke. Come on now, Luke. Pay attention to how awesome he's being. Reid gets sexy when he says "what are you gonna do with me now?"
amelialourdes + Reid's Voice = melt. Oh, Reid. We can think of a few things. Luke believes that Reid doesn't want anything to do with him. Reid just wants to make sure that he and Noah are through.
They part and Luke looks like the most guilty person who has ever been guilty of anything while Reid tries not to look directly at Bob. Bob asks for some alone time and tells him that Reid's relationship with Luke is inappropriate. How? Dunno. It looks like Reid is in cahoots with Luke so that he can build his dream wing? And Reid rightly points out the nepotism is running rampant in the hospital. Reid says it's a gay thing but Bob says that it's all about ethics. He gives him an ultimatum: you run the new wing or you get involved with Luke Snyder.
Way to stick it to him, Bob.
Here's the Luke and Noah show at the end. Luke wonders if Noah threw the punch because he cared and let's just make it clear that it's not because Luke will go running back to him if Noah did have any feelings toward him. I'll quote fellow mod
peggin because there's no way I can say it any better than this, "My take on it was more that Luke wanted some acknowledgement that their relationship had actually meant something to Noah, that the last three years of his life hadn't just been a lie." I say, word, to that. At this juncture, after what he and Reid just talked about in that exam room, Luke wouldn't go back to Noah. Noah makes it perfectly clear that he just threw the punch because he's the biggest douche alive. Kthx, bai.
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