"I always knew you were a bastard. I just didn't know it was official."

Mar 31, 2011 10:39

Can I just say that Reid's hair is my favorite in these clips? He looks younger, and softer, and guh. Okay, with that out of the way....

Dickwad Hughes, aka Chris, does what he does best - act like a dick with entitlement issues. Seriously, he can give Noah a run for his money. He shows up to harass Reid (who is looking extra fine with his hair all perfect-length like that) and bugs him about when Reid's going to make the call to get Bob to the surprise party. Reid talks about this gadget called a phone and threatens not to use said gadget to wrangle Bob if Dickwad Hughes doesn't leave him alone. And, God, Reid looks hot while saying it. Hand porn. Guh. And his neck. Have I mentioned Reid's neck? djfdladjfajk

FOCUS, RHI. Jesus.

Okay, then we cut to Kim who's being a pouty bitch a la every woman in a book or movie who has made you look at your own cooch and question if you want to be associated with her by anatomy. She refuses to eat her dinner because Bob likes Reid better than her, and then guilt trips him. Bob seems to have Luke's blindness for faults in his loved ones because he tells her that he's never known her to be selfish. Oh, really? Just wait a few months and we'll see a prime example of her selfishness. Well, actually, we won't because none of that ever happened and this rewatch isn't going there even if it did.

*waves away unhappy, heartbreaking thoughts*

Back to Kim being a bitch. Ahem.

Reid calls and is all, "Uh, Bob, don't hang up on me! You love me best!"

And Bob cannot deny the truth of it and lets Reid wrangle him.

Kim declares that she doesn't even want to know what's going on with Bob and his new boyfriend, and tells him just to go, and takes off all bitchy and horrible. I'm envisioning a similar show-down between Luke and Reid in twenty-five years when their forty year old son is causing them problems, and they get crabby with each other, and then have old people make up sex.

*re-reads that sentence*

I haven't even been drinking, people. I don't even know.

Anyway, back to this clip. Bob and Reid show up to the surprise party without Kim, because three's a crowd. Reid looks really pleased to be there. He's such a secret whore for Oakdale drama. I love, love, love, love, love his smile when Dickwad asks him why he's still there, and Reid confesses that when he saw that Kim wasn't with Bob, he had to see what happened when Bob walked in alone. Reid LOVES the drama, okay? Which is yet another reason he falls so hard for Luke. Luke = Drama Central.

And, again, I'm all a-flutter when Reid scratches his head, curls his lip up a little, and asks when he can eat. *sigh* Oh, Reid. You and food, only slightly less made for each other than you and Luke. Hmm, maybe even more made for each other. I mean, if Luke was gone from your life, you'd only want to die. If food was gone? You would die. Oh, dear. Reid/Food might be the true OTP!

Chris: Okay, now that you've stuffed your face, you can go.

Reid: No, I think I'm going to stick around a little bit longer. This family is a hell of a lot more interesting than it looks.

Reid, there you go, spilling the beans. You pretend to hate Oakdale, but you love the shenanigans way too much to ever leave.

Margo shows up to inform Bob that he's been living in sin with Kim for twenty-five years, Reid is thrilled, sums Chris up in one sentence, and then leaves full of good food and drama, while Kim laughs in stunned shock. Oh, Oakdale. You and your shenanigans. I love you. And Reid's hair.

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bob has a man crush on reid, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid and his boyfriends, crazy oakdale shenanigans, reid's bringing sexy back, reid loves food is an understatement, luke/reid rewatch, henry has a man crush on reid, other oakdale ppl

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