"You're requiring proof? How would that work, exactly?"

Mar 10, 2011 09:38

Rewatchers, we're getting to the good stuff! Today, Luke and Reid's impending romance really kicks up a notch as Luke finds out he and Reid bat for the same team. Reid is sexy, and Luke is sexually frustrated and confused by this turn of events.

Our clip begins as Katie and Reid say their goodbyes in Old Town. Reid holds Jacob and is extremely sweet and sexy and makes me want daddy!Reid fic. Luke, sporting some truly tragic hair, demonstrates his need for remedial lessons in How Not to be Seen.

Luke and Reid bicker and banter, and Luke stalks Reid to the Lakeview. Reid expresses his dismay ("Oh my God, you're sitting down?") at Luke's tenacious insistence that Reid braid Noah's hair and take care of him at all times in Dallas. Luke decides that the only reason one of the top neurosurgeons in the world doesn't want to play nursemaid must be because he's a homophobe.

Reid sets Luke straight -- so to speak -- totally rocking Luke's worldview and leaving him out of sorts and frustrated. Back in Old Town, Katie tells Reid that Henry donated the money for the wing, so Reid can stay! Reid, however, who is a little mopey after his run-in with Luke, wants to get the hell out of Oakdale. Sorry, Reid. Those tentacles are ruthless!

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reid wants in luke's big gay pants, arguing equals foreplay, i am luke hear me roar, video, reid's bringing sexy back, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets his drama on, luke's hair makes baby jesus cry, henry has a man crush on reid, awesome moments in history, comment fic, messing with luke's big gay head, luke has bitch face

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