Part Seventy-Nine: "You're gonna arrest me?!"

May 31, 2012 09:05

The good news: Lily's baby is out of the breech position! Huzzah!
The bad news: Luke has spent the night in his crashed car and soon 5-O is on the scene.

But there's more good news, because Jack is the cop at the scene. Hi, Jack! I always loved you. Jack calls Holden to the crash site, and Holden rips Luke a new one. Rightfully so, I must say. Luke acts like an entitled little bitch at the news that Jack is arresting him. Yes, Luke, he is TOTALLY going to arrest you! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR DRUNK DRIVING, KIDDO.

Lily takes a turn for the worse, so Holden returns to the hospital and Damian appears to go with Luke to the police station.

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Damian and Holden continue their pissing contest, and Luke opens up to Damian about his feelings. Awww, Van. He's so good. Damian hires a lawyer and cuts Holden out. Luke plays right into Damian's hands, and Damian suggests that if Luke wants to get out of town, perhaps he would consider Malta. The last time he was there he was held hostage, so I'm sure he has a ton of happy Maltese memories!

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Holden gets his big ol' head out of his ass and tells Lucinda that he did in fact blame Luke for Lily's accident. Later, Lucinda awesomely goes toe to toe with Damian, and we all know that in Lucinda v. Damian, Damian is toast. Of course Luke rushes to Damian's defence, and he's practically paking his bags for Malta already. I hear it's wonderful this time of year! Especially when you haven't been kidnapped.

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luke = gayer than a box of birds, bad dad is kinda good, entitled moments in history, good dad is kinda good after all, luke gets his drama on, luke has bitch face, not the parents of the year, luke gets his drunk on, lucinda rocks!, luke's epic teenaged angst, i am luke hear me roar, good dad is kinda bad, luke = doormat, luke snyder marathon, bad dad is kinda bad, other oakdale ppl, messing with luke's big gay head

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