As Luke and Jade continue their charade, Lily can barely choke down her dislike of the conniving young woman. We feel you, Lily! Of course Holden is clinging to the notion that Luke is "crazy about" Jade. Dream on, Holden. Dream on. Lily continues to suffer Jade's presence because she doesn't want Luke to get sick again. Jade and Luke go to the opening of hot new club Crash, which must have closed down when the show scrapped 90% of its sets for spare lumber.
While Jade tries to get Luke to be more coupley, Will (yay!) and Maddie (yay!!) watch and wonder what the deal with Jade is. Believe me, guys, you do NOT want to know.
Click to view Jade and Will clash over that whole Will-murdered-Rose thing as well as Jade's litany of lies. Lisa wants to meet Luke's new girlfriend to see if she's good enough for him, and Luke later wonders to Jade how she can stand living a lie. She's like, Right back at ya, Luke! He says he can't keep up the lie. And there was much rejoicing!
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