Part Sixty - "Kevin's straight, and everything else was me just wanting him."

Mar 26, 2012 10:31

Luke is sad about the fact that Kevin is straight, and he's done with pretending to be a couple with Jade. Jade tries to say that there are so many other guys who are hot for him and that he's never noticed - true facts about Luke - and he says, "There's nobody like that." Ah, Luke. :( This is why he stays with The Douche for so long. He has such low self-esteem and a low sense of self-worth.

Jade tries to manipulate Luke by saying, "Do you really want to go through the nightmare of confessing that you're gay to your dad when you've never even kissed another guy? How can you be so sure?"

Luke declares that he is sure and that it might make it hard on Jade but he's through with this lie. Jade says, "Luke, you're an incredible guy and you just want everyone to be happy." Oh, so true, Jade. That is what Luke wants! :( It's like that "King of Anything" song - which is like the Luke/Noah anthem - and how it has that line about, "All my life I've tried to make everyone else happy while I just hurt and hide..." or something :( LUKE I LOVE YOU!!!! Reid will come along shortly and make it all better, bb! Hang on!

Luke calls Jade a "handful" and that's so cute that I almost forgive them for this crummy storyline for a minute.

Jade (talking about Luke): I've just never felt this way about a guy before. I've just never felt this kind of connection.

Luke: Well, there's always email.

LOL!!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Luke: Growing up here, I guess I always thought I'd have the exact same life that my parents had; it never occurred to me that I was anything different.

OMG OMG OMG THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH! This? This right here? This is also why he stayed with The Douche. He never thought that he'd have anything different from his parents, and what his parents have is a sick, emotionally abusive, dysfunctional, on-again-off-again relationship, where someone is always hurting someone else. And even though what Luke is talking about here is being gay, what he ends up doing is trying to plug himself and a guy into the roles of his parents, and he finds the perfect guy to play Holden's disapproving and hypocritical role: Noah. Ugh. :(

Jade starts to talk about the fluidity of sexuality, and that hooking up with someone isn't just about sexuality, but about getting each other's jokes and...wait, we all see where this is going, right? She declares her affection for Luke. Then she kisses him Hahahaaaaaa! Oh, Jade. Well played. Except Luke pushes her away and says, "Jade, stop it! Just stay away from me!" And...dun dun dun...Holden overhears and intervenes.

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Jade shows up and Luke isn't happy to see her. He says that she jumped him (she did) and she's all offended, "That's what kissing me felt like? Like you were jumped?" He says, "I can't be into you!" JADE THE BOY IS GAY. LEAVE IT.

Jade says that a lot of people go their whole lives without ever coming out to their family, and Luke says, "That's not me."

Lily and Jade have a convo, but I'm bored, so I'm moving along back to where Holden and Luke are having a little intimate discussion about what's going on with Luke. Lily seems to go into labor or something, I dunno, and really don't care.

Luke is just about to come out to Holden when Lily and Jade burst in saying, "Call a doctor!" We find out that Luke is getting a B - bordering on a C in physics! What would Reid think of that average performance?? He'd love him anyway, and think he was the smartest, cutest, sexiest average-at-physics guy EVER. Lily and Holden send Luke off to his study session.

We then get an awesome angry Luke which calls to mind various rooftop!Lukes and other times when Luke finally puts his foot down about something.

Luke: I am so sick of being something that has to be handled.
Jade: You're not the problem.
Luke: Yes I am.


Stuff happens with Lily, Holden, and Jade and I think they're going to the hospital. I admit I didn't watch. Jade is babysitting. Yadda. THE END OF THESE EPISODES! I only wanna see Luke, I don't know about y'all. know. :)

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not the parents of the year, jade is still here, kevin gives luke a woody, luke's epic teenaged angst, luke = gayer than a box of birds, i am luke hear me roar, good dad is kinda bad, luke's face, good dad is kinda good after all, luke snyder marathon, messing with luke's big gay head, luke has bitch face

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