We start out with Lily sad that Rose never got to know her daughter, Jade, and then we fade to Luke and Jade talking about Kevin. Because I'm filthy-minded, I interpreted Jade's question (see subject line above) in a very different way than Luke probably did. :P
Jade asks why Luke's parents have a problem with Kevin and Luke says it's because they thought Kevin was a bad influence since they got drunk a few times together. Jade makes the astute observation, "Yeah, but that's drinking, that's not Kevin." Exactly, Luke's a drunk, and that's the problem, not Kevin. (Well, actually, Kevin's a douche who peer pressures Luke into giving in to his alcoholism, so, actually Kevin does suck, Jade, but you don't know that, so I appreciate the point you were trying to make.)
Also, I will probably mention this a million times, but Van was a pretty good actor when he started on this show, and he only started chewing the scenery when a certain someone with the initials J.S. came along and couldn't hold up his end of the acting stick, imho.
Holden goes all bad-ass on Kevin and threatens him not to call Luke, talk to him at school, or sneak onto his property. Jack is all, "Uh, WTF, Holden? Jesus." And, well, Holden's defensive. Jack knows that something else is going on, and says Holden's not acting himself and something's bothering him about Luke, and really wants Holden to admit what's really going on.
Luke is so adorable talking to Jade about his love for the horses. OMG. So, so, so cute. He helped delivered foals. He also talks about how Holden isn't his bio dad. Luke says of Holden, "He didn't have to...you know...love me...but he did." Oh, Luke! WHO WOULDN'T LOVE YOU!?!?!?!?! YOU ARE LOVE!!!!
I love these interactions with Jade. Luke really has a way of befriending people who are troubled or lonely. He's so open and good-hearted. Looking at his relationship with Jade, I can see the beginnings of the same things that attracted Reid to him. Luke's always played well off of opposites, people who aren't as purely good as he is. <3 LUKE I LOVE YOU!!! (Sorry, I just get this way about Luke. I can't help it!)
Lily talks to Faith about Aunt Rose, and she starts losing her marbles again, and hallucinates some more about Rose.
Kevin tells Luke that Holden went off on him, and Luke's like, "We'll have to be more careful." And Kevin says he can't risk it anymore and breaks up with Luke says they can't hang out anymore. Luke is devastated. :(
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http://youtu.be/v9mOHtZ0cLM Holden says, "My son has the right to be whoever he wants to be. I don't get to decide that for him. I don't want to decide that for him."
a) cool, glad to know you are not going to tell him he can't be gay
b) not cool, though, 'cause you're making it out like he's choosing to be gay, Holden
Jack, however, does RULE THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD by saying that Luke can be happy even if he's gay, and have a full life, and that there are a lot of angry people all over the world and that Luke doesn't have to knuckle under to people like that. <3 Oh, Jack. You're epic sometimes.
Jack makes my heart clench when he says, "He's a strong kid, he's a smart kid, if he comes across discrimination, he'll rise above it, Holden." <3 Luke will! LUKE IS SO AWESOME!!!! Jesus, guys, could I love Luke more? I THINK NOT.
Holden says, "If he isn't, I don't want him thinking to himself, 'Why does my dad think that I'm gay?'" Oh, Holden, it's because you still see it as an insult that it's even a problem. :(
Holden admits that he's seen Luke look at Kevin, and the back rub was "too close", and this I adore - "Where are the girls, Jack? He's a good looking boy! WHERE ARE THE GIRLS?" LOL!!! Yes, well. That's not conclusive, but...Luke is very pretty so...yes.
Jack then blows all the awesome of before by saying that after listening to what Holden has to say, "From a cop's perspective...you've got nothing." UH, HOW ABOUT PARENTAL INTUITION, JACK??? OR DO YOU LACK THAT?? I'd say that's a huge something, actually.
Jade overheard Holden and Jack and says that she heard Holden say that Luke might be gay. She and Holden discuss it. And then we're back to Lily hallucinating Rose.
See ya again on Thursday, bbs!!! :D :D :D
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