Welcome to another edition of Douchey Moments in History!
Before we get started, we just want to say thank you so much for the Christmas stocking,
murgy31! We love it!
Now, on to the douchefest!
"You're kind of being Mr. Attitude about the whole thing."
So, the fact that Luke is on his way to a meeting at Grimaldi Shipping, and therefore can't stay
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Mason had actually tried to step down as Noah's adviser and had someone else assigned to him right after the first time he hit on Noah. I mean, you've actually got to kind of give Mason credit for that. Hitting on a student is pretty damned sleazy, but at least Mason seemed to realize it and tried to remove himself from the situation. But the new adviser Mason had found for Noah thought his screenplay sucked (which, based on the little we saw of it, IT DID!), and basically told him he was going to have to start from scratch. Which might not have been as bad as it sounds, because it was before Noah had even started filming. But Noah wasn't having it... he'd spent two and a half months on that script, and he wasn't going to start on something new. Which, let me tell you, Noah, someone with that attitude will NEVER make it in Hollywood. Do you know how many screenplays the average aspiring writer in Hollywood has to write before he finally has one that gets made into a movie. (Actually, I have no idea what the answer is to that, but I'd be willing to bet it's a whole great big bunch!) Anyway, the point is, Mason had tried to get a new adviser for Noah, only Noah didn't like her advice, so he insisted on having Mason back.
And, really, the same thing would have happened again now -- Noah would have needed to start over with a different project -- which, yeah, I get that that sucks, but not enough to let a teacher get away with making passes at one of his students!
(Actually, I have no idea what the answer is to that, but I'd be willing to bet it's a whole great big bunch!)
Seriously. I have a friend who got a deal with NBC to write a pilot for them for last year. Six months he spent writing and re-writing and making changes and having a dozen different executives tell him what was wrong with it and what needed to be changed and re-writing again, and then NBC ended up passing on it after all of that. In am industry like that, brutal honesty is really the best policy, especially when you're still in school and have more of a chance to grow as a filmmaker. I foresee Noah waiting tables in LA within a month of moving there, grant or no grant. Unless your last name is Spielberg or Coppola you generally don't just waltz into a film studio and make whatever movie you want on the first go.
Right? Clearly, Noah's answer is "Nope!"
And refresh my memory. Who was the grant from?
I don't know if we ever hear who exactly the grant is from. I'm too lazy to go watch the clips at the moment, but if I recall correctly we first hear about it when Alison tells Luke that Noah is moving to LA - I believe she just says that he got a grant to make his film in LA - and then we see Noah meeting with a guy at the hotel, when he spots Reid getting on the elevator with Chris. I think he talked about it a little with Luke in that episode too. I think that's about all we ever learn about it, just that "he got a grant to make his film in LA."
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