Welcome to another edition of Douchey Moments in History!
"I can't do that to him!"
Once again, we get to see the only moral code Noah believes in is "things I want = right; things I don't want = wrong." Like I said in a previous post, turning Jade over to the police was the "right" thing to do -- the kind of thing the guy Noah fell in love with
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I don't know if I had "shipper Stockholm Syndrome" but I definitely had SOME kind of emotional affliction! There were SO MANY TIMES when I desperately wanted Luke to dump Noah, and then they'd give us three minutes of Noah being relatively nice, and I'd delude myself into thinking TPTB had "fixed" him and that THIS time we were going to get a relationship worth cheering on... yeah, it never quite worked out that way, did it?
Then the whole "Luke doesn't want to be the one left behind" business. Noah, remarkable as this may be for you to believe, Luke's decision about not going back to school is actually NOT ABOUT YOU. It's not about being left behind or jealous of your glamourous student filmmaking. It's about HIS WANTS AND NEEDS.
But Luke isn't allowed to have wants and needs that aren't all about furthering Noah's wants and needs! Why can't you understand that!
But, seriously, I love how Noah has such an amazingly high opinion of himself that he thinks there's even a chance that Luke, the guy with the high paying, high level, prestigious job that he loves and that he'll NEVER be fired from because his father owns the company, is going to feel "left behind" when you embark on your glamorous career of filming infomercials or whatever it is you end up doing.
But okay, let's say that it was okay for him to go since Luke encouraged him to. The fact that he didn't immediately ask Luke how he was, and that he apparently didn't call or anything whilst flitting around La La Land was just so incredibly selfish.
THIS, so very much! I could almost understand Noah going, because it really was a once in a lifetime opportunity (although, seriously, I'm almost surprised Jude Law never sued ATWT for having the nerve to claim he'd be even slightly interested in Noah's craptastic student film)... but the fact that he went, and didn't call Luke and send him texts 50 times a day, to see how he was holding up and all that, just proves that Luke is a person he never thinks of AT ALL unless Luke is standing right in front of him, and even then, only if he doesn't have something better to do.
And am I remembering right that Mason did tell Luke privately that he was in fact going to steal Noah away?
Yeah, I kept waiting for that to happen, too. And really wanted it to happen, because Luke loved Noah so much and I wanted Luke to be happy. But then Reid came along...
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