Welcome to another edition of Douchey Moments in History!
"I can't do that to him!"
Once again, we get to see the only moral code Noah believes in is "things I want = right; things I don't want = wrong." Like I said in a previous post, turning Jade over to the police was the "right" thing to do -- the kind of thing the guy Noah fell in love with would do -- even though Jade had literally done nothing wrong other than get involved with the wrong guy. Winston Mayer, OTOH, had killed Noah's mother, tried to kill Luke twice, escaped from prison, kidnapped Ameera, faked his death and allowed Noah to believe he was dead for a year, but calling the police on him? No, no that couldn't possibly be the right thing to do. And the fact that Noah has the gall to try to convince Luke -- you remember, the guy Col. Mayer had tried to kill TWICE -- that they should let the Colonel go? -- is just all kinds of twisted and sick. The way Luke doesn't even focus on that at all, and is all about how everything will affect Noah, just further goes to prove that Luke is made of love and all things wonderful, while Noah is nothing but a selfish, inconsiderate DOUCHE.
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"I thought when you were in a couple, you didn't make life-altering decisions without talking it out with each other."
You've got to love the way, when Noah decides to make huge, life-altering decisions, decisions that will have an effect on Luke's life (like "hey, I'm going to join the army" or even like "I'm not going to use your script for my student film"), Noah just makes those decisions and then tells Luke what he decided. But for Luke to decide that going back to school isn't the right choice for him at this point in his life, and that he'd rather get a job working with his father? How DARE Luke do something like that without getting Noah's permission first! I mean, sure, Noah hasn't been around and there hasn't been a time when Luke could have spoken to him about it, but that's irrelevant! And the fact that Luke is clearly extremely excited about this job, in a way he was completely unenthusiastic about the prospects of returning to school, well, that's irrelevant, too! Luke's not allowed to decide for himself what he wants to do with his life! At least not when Noah wants him to do something different!
Oh, and then there's the part about "what about when I graduate? I thought we were going to move to New York together!" ... Um, really, Noah? The last time you discussed this, Luke was far from enthusiastic about the idea, and allowed that it MIGHT be something he'd consider ten years down the line. But, of course, Noah wants to move to New York, so naturally he assumes that Luke is going to fall in line and do his bidding... and the worst part is that it seems like Luke agrees!
Oh, wait, I'm sorry, the WORST part is Noah getting all pissed off and making a huge deal of accusing Luke of doing something that Noah himself has done countless times -- making a decision without talking it over first. It's especially grating because, the times Noah has done it, it's affected Luke's life. But whether Luke goes to school or gets a job has NO EFFECT on Noah's life! Why does he care so much? It must be because it means that Luke's not allowing Noah to control his life. It seriously baffles me how anyone can ship these two guys together! Noah is just such a self involved prick and an emotionally abusive DOUCHE!
You've also got to love how Noah had no idea that Luke was having doubts about going back to school.
Really, Noah? Really? I guess you just weren't paying attention. I guess it just didn't matter to you to listen when Luke was speaking, because he wasn't speaking about you. Douche.
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"What, blowing off your father and going on a sailing trip with Damian? That's your job?"
I seriously hate Noah more and more with every clip I watch. Here, Luke had had plans to go away with Holden on a horse-buying trip, a trip that would have been a business trip for Holden, but would have been all about fun for Luke. Now he's planning to cancel that because he has an opportunity to go on a business trip with Damian, something related to his own actual job, not just a trip for fun. The fact that Noah is making any kind of issue at all about any of this very nearly makes me wish he'd blown his whole fucking head off with those fireworks rather than just going temporarily blind. The only thing keeping me from wishing for that completely is that no blindness would have meant no Reid. But GOD he is just such a fucking DOUCHE!!!
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"The trip was amazing! Wait until you hear who we met!"
Okay, I don't give a crap about whether or not Luke told him to go, Noah shouldn't have gone on his trip to Los Angeles at all. He should have been there at Holden's funeral for Luke. It's even worse that he didn't bother to let Luke know he'd caught an earlier flight, or that he didn't bother to let Luke know he wouldn't need a ride home from the airport. But worst of all is the way that Noah sees Luke and immediately starts gushing about his trip, without even asking about the funeral or how Luke is or anything like that. That? Is something a person would only do if he was a total DOUCHE!
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"You just showed up and told me you were leaving."
Once again, we get to see that the rules are whatever the fuck Noah wants them to be. Noah can go for weeks on end and barely have any time for Luke because of his stupid little student film, and Luke is supposed to just understand and be supportive. But Luke's father dies and his mother practically has a nervous breakdown, so Luke decides to move back in with her to help out with the kids, and that sucks? It's especially hard to have any sympathy for Noah after the way Noah
acted like he understood and supported Luke's decision when Luke first told him about it. And all that other stuff that Noah is so pissy that Luke didn't tell him about are all things that had happened just the previous day (the adventure in Kentucky wrapped up on 9/23/2009 and this clip is from 9/24/2009), so apparently the real issue is with Luke having any kind of life at all unless he clears all the details of it with Noah first. I mean, what is his deal? How dare Luke go to Kentucky for the afternoon without calling Noah up at the film festival in Minneapolis and getting his permission first?
But the real kicker? "You know, I think about you all the time; I take your feelings into consideration before I do anything." Seriously, Noah? SERIOUSLY? Unless, by "taking Luke's feelings into consideration" what he really means is that he considers Luke's feelings and then decides to do whatever he assumes will hurt Luke the most, I don't see how it's even remotely possible that that statement could be true. Even if we ignore all history and chuck out any memory of Ameera, or the army, or Brian, or the student election... even if we forget all that and just concentrate on the current storyline, the main reason they're hardly seeing each other these days is because of NOAH'S school project. But of course, that doesn't matter and it's really all Luke's fault, and Luke, of course, even apologizes for it. God, what a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship they had!
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"I need him."
Here, again, the rules change based on Noah's whims and desires. He sure seemed convinced that Mason had done something wrong when he left Mason's office all in a hurry, and he was upset enough that he felt the need to mention it to Luke, but he needs Mason for his project, so God forbid they actually follow the rules and report him.
Every word Luke says about this situation is true, and not one of them have anything to do with being jealous of Mason or having the slightest fear that Mason might steal Noah away from him. You cannot expect a teacher who has made it clear he is attracted to a student to then grade his project with any degree of objectivity. There's always going to be the concern that either he gave it a better grade than it deserved just because of the attraction, or that he gave it a worse grade because he's pissed off over being rejected. But Noah doesn't seem to care about that...
In fact, I get the distinct impression that Noah is banking on the former -- IMO, the main reason he wants to keep Mason as his adviser is that he thinks that, if Mason likes him, he'll get a better grade from Mason than he would from some other adviser.
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"I'm tired of you trying to control my every move."
Of all the douchey things Noah ever did pre-blindness, the story he chose to tell for his student film is somewhere near the top of the list of things that make me want to throttle him. Not all, but most of his other douchiest moves happened on the spur of the moment, without any premeditation. But this was no spur-of-the-moment act of douchery, this was deliberate. The script for his student film is something he put a great deal of time and effort into, writing it and rewriting it and revising it and editing it, until it was exactly the story he wanted to tell.
The story is very clearly... well, not at all about the relationship he actually has with Luke, but definitely about the way Noah's warped and self-involved mind sees their relationship. One where Luke tries to control HIS every move, or where Luke treats HIM more like a possession than a boyfriend (as opposed to the reality, which is pretty much exactly the reverse). I wonder, if we could see the whole film, if the story unfolds as one where the shallow, controlling, spoiled brat girlfriend slowly morphs into the perfect little automaton with no personality of her own who always acts exactly the way her boyfriend would want her to act. Because you just know that's what Noah wishes would happen to Luke.
And just in case it wasn't bad enough that Noah's twisted brain sees things in such a stark contrast to reality and that he has such a low opinion of the man he claims to love... he puts it on film for all the world to see, and stands there eagerly awaiting the approval of the man he just shredded on film. I watch this little scene from his film, and as far as I am concerned, Noah is either the cruelest, most sadistic jackass who ever lived, or he's so completely clueless that he ought to be declared brain-dead.
(The fact that Luke assumed it was all Mason just proves how hard Luke has worked to put Noah up on a pedestal and how hard he's willing to work to keep him there. I mean, I'm sure Mason encouraged it and everything, but it was still Noah's concept, and Noah was still the one who wrote the damned thing, and if Noah wasn't completely aware of exactly the message he was sending with that storyline, then he's got to be one of the stupidest people who's ever lived. I wonder if there ever came a point in time, even through the very end of the show, when Luke consciously acknowledged to himself that Noah was the one and only person responsible for the storyline Noah created for that film, and that the film really was an accurate representation of how Noah felt about him.)
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This ends today's edition of "Douchey Moments in History: Noah Mayer Edition" -- the next (and final) edition is scheduled for Thursday, December 16th.