Dec 11, 2010 19:16

Entries in the Noah Who? Challenge: Douchefest 2010 are due on December 19, by midnight, US Pacific time and will be posted throughout the following day.

Important note: Please read all the information on the sign-up post HERE to ensure that your work meets all the criteria, or it will not be accepted. Don't forget to include any necessary html coding in your fic. Writers, please use a beta, or at the very least, make sure your fic has been proofread for typos.

You can find a list of fic and vid betas HERE!

If you'd like to volunteer to be a beta, please leave your details at that post!

Fic writers, please use this header.

For Fic

Title: Your Title Here
Written By: your username here
Category: Noah Who? or General
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17
Author's Notes: Your Notes Here. You must warn for Luke or Reid character death

Vidders, please format and host your own work, and send us the links.
Please use the following header.

For Vids

Title: Your Title Here
Made By: your username here
Category: Noah Who? or General
Vidder's Notes: Your Notes Here

When your submission is ready, email it to us at

If you're finished early, please send it our way sooner rather than later, so we're not inundated on the 19th!

If you signed up but won't be able to finish on time, please drop us an email and let us know!

While sign-ups have now officially closed, if you'd like to take part we'll be happy to accept late sign-ups right up until December 19, just leave a comment at the sign-up post!


submission information

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