{{the_lucky13}} 7.6: 13 moments of happiness

May 09, 2008 19:49

{{Locked from Everyone}}

{{01}} Making my first million.
{{02}} Besting Dean and taking his lottery tickets.
{{03}} Seeing Dean and Sam in tuxedos.
{{04}} Catching Dean off guard with my angry sex comment.
{{05}} Throwing Sam off with sex dream
{{06}} Besting Dean again and stealing the hand.
{{07}} Imagining the look on the face of the Winchesters faces when they saw the Colt missing.
{{08}} Each time I see Dean and Sam.
{{09}} My first multi-million dollar job.
{{10}} The rush i get from stealing something.
{{11}} Seeing my cat.
{{12}} Angry Sex.
{{13}} nice long hot bubble baths.

{{Bela Talbot, Supernatural}}
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