Dec 13, 2024 16:33
...that my body was in the process of falling apart completely- yesterday evening my right knee and heel wanted to play in the orchestra of pain, too- the medication did kick in. Which leaves me with sore elbows- still no fun, but I have to be okay with the fact that not everything can be repaired in one go. So I did two more batches of cookies- there will be grandchildren aplenty around Christmas to consume them. Then I did a batch of punch essence, mostly for daughter and me, because it will be the two of us who will have to take the brunt with Christmas cooking, and having ONE cup of punch is a method to remain calm. Daughter mine is a fairly good cook, and what matters most, she is always calm. Hubby is the complete opposite- one never knows when he goes off. I do not need a contact mine in the kitchen at Christmas! BTW: this Saturday number one will decide if the family wants to be at our house at Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I for myself would prefer the 25th. One day more to recuperate after having to get up at three in the morning four days in a row!
Today is one of those dark days I hate. Only one degree outside, the bedroom and the studio down to 17 degrees, the windows of the cars still frozen. That does not keep husband mine from doing one trip to the shops after another, even though our freezers are full to the brim- this morning at barely eight o´clock DiL number 2 was in front of our entry door, to bring the pork her Romanian relatives sent her as a Christmas present. Hubby had to store more than 20 kilos of meat in the freezer. The five kilos meant for doing bacon for DiL´s family are slowly defrosting in the fridge- hubby has to do brine them tomorrow, then the meat can be ignored until the beginning of next year. Now I wonder where I will be able to store the turkey (if I will ever find one). Okay, the first problem is solved now. Hubby just came back home with two small turkeys, four kilo each. Two of those will fit in the oven at the same time, but only one did fit in the freezer. At the moment hubby is rearranging the content of the freezer in the basement...
Today is also our number two´s birthday. And what a day it is- Friday the 13th! Should I be scared? I think I will postpone being scared to tomorrow, when the boys will be here!