Council of Genres Chamber, The Great Library, Later Wednesday Evening

Dec 06, 2007 10:49


"Well this isn't good." Anemone glanced at Karal as she started moving towards the incoming guards. "Um, I guess I should have asked earlier, but how do you feel about physical confrontations?"


Karal paled a little. "It's something I would much rather avoid," he admitted, voice low. "I've no training that would be of any use here."

Altra hissed at the guards and moved to stand in front of him, dropping the magic so that he now appeared at his full size, head even with Karal's hip, and flexed his claws in clear threat.


Anemone was about to respond when Altra's change happened, and boggled slightly at the cat. "You are the best, prettiest, coolest kitty ever."

The slightly feral grin she turned on the guards, however, was decidedly less friendly. "My training didn't cover this, but I can make them hurt. When in doubt, shove them back down the stairs."

The two guards were big, but not terribly smart as was the standard stereotype with characters like them. They both rushed forward, planning to grab the two kids.


Altra, giving Anemone an approving earflick, launched himself forward and up, paws aiming straight at the chest of one, claws fully extended, and yowled, long and loud.

Karal followed slowly, staying a safe distance behind, careful not to get in Altra's or Anenome's way.

Altra's target screamed like a little girl and fell backwards, trying to bat Altra away.


:Oh, please.: Altra might be exhausted, but that was just pathetic. He aimed a cuff at the side of his head, then twisted in mid-air, kicking out with his back legs for his chest, before landing neatly on the floor, tail lashing as he crouched, ready to spring again.

The guard was stunned and couldn't do much more than what was expected of him in a situation like this, namely sit there like a buffoon and not know what to do next.

That left just one guard who had his sights on Anemone.


Anemone smiled at him sweetly before lashing out, one fist aimed squarely at his face while her other hand slashed at his neck with one of her hairclips.

All the guard could do was fall to his knees, clutching at his neck to try to stop the bleeding. Thankfully for him, the fight was interrupted by the doors above bursting open.


With Pheces taken care of, Sam moved on to the next important issue. "Ms. Next?!" he called, running over and kneeling by her side as he checked her over.


She was dazed and in quite a bit of pain, but conscious. The shot hadn't been intended to kill, just cause some damage and pain. That didn't stop her jacket and shirt from being ruined by the blood from the wound.


Sam put his hand over the wound and applied pressure to try to slow down or stop the bleeding. "We'd better get you out of here, before that guy comes back."


She nodded and tried to sit up when a booming voice came from above. "Don't get up on our account," Commander Trafford Bradshaw called as he led in the cavalry.

With Lee, Mac and Bridge in tow, Commander Trafford Bradshaw stomped down the stairs towards Thursday and Sam. Vernham Deane and Amleth, looking like a rather dashing duo, dealt with what was left of the two guards who had been regretting their attempts to go after Anemone and Karal.

"They ran this way," the Cheshire Cat called, having appeared at the door where Pheces and Keats had made their hasty departure. "Or was it that way? Hmmm."

"Blast it, Cat!" the Red Queen bellowed, thundering down the stairs and out the door. "I'll take care of this myself!" She stormed out after the two Outlanders who had very nearly destroyed the entire BookWorld. "They won't get far." She was wrong. They'd already made arrangements to return to the Outland.

Trafford went to check on Thursday's condition while someone hurried off to call for a doctor, preferably one that didn't have multiple personality disorder or a pact with the devil.


Karal froze, eyes wide with shock as he reached the chaos, nearly getting bowled over by a scary-looking woman in red. Altra yowled, tail lashing, and bounded towards Thursday. :Karal!:

Karal shook himself out of it and ran over to drop to Thursday's side next to Sam. "Oh, Sunlord. How badly are you hurt?" he asked, eyeing the blood with worry. "Can we leave now? You need a healer."


"Well," Thursday said after a moment. She was feeling sluggish. "I was shot."

"Not to worry, lad," Bradshaw said, tilting his pith helmet up slightly, "a physician of the highest quality is on the way! We'll get our dear girl settled and then you can whisk her away to the Outland. The jump may be a tad bumpy what with Pheces messing about. Best to be on the safe side."

Thursday sighed from where she was laying with Sam Winchester's hand pressing against her shoulder and people fussing about. "Trafford, I was shot." She sounded slightly indignant this time.

"In the shoulder," Bradshaw replied. "Shall I mark that off the Nextian injury bingo card? I think I might even have a line."

"I was shot," she repeated to Karal matter-of-factly, ignoring Bradshaw. She wasn't too focused, as was to be expected from the shock of being shot. It occurred to her, however, that this happened on far too regular a basis for her to be entirely comfortable with it.


Karal nodded calmly, but he was very worried. He knew enough to recognise shock, and shock could kill people. "Altra."

Altra was drooping with exhaustion as he dropped to sit next to Thursday's head, careful not to jar her. :She needs to go, and she needs to go now. I can Jump her straight to the clinic. No one's going to interfere with MY Jump.: He looked up at Karal. :I'll come back for the rest of you.:

"Bright Flame, take her," he said, risking a defiant glare at the man in the odd hat. "We will all be fine until you return."

"The cat?" Bradshaw asked. "I should have guessed. No feline friend is ever what he seems around here. Take good care of our girl," he requested, then patted Thursday gently on the hand. "Not to worry. I'll take good care of the children."

He set her hand down and Thursday nodded, not really understanding what was going on.


"Altra is going to take you straight to the clinic," he said, slowly and clearly, nodding at Altra.

The Firecat pressed one paw lightly against Thursday's elbow, closed his eyes as if steeling himself, and then they were gone, Jumping back to Fandom, with Karal's prayers following them.


he last things Thursday remembered before the jump were Sam, Karal and Trafford looking down at her, Lee, Bridge, Mac and Anemone safe and sound not far away, Pheces' words about going after Friday echoing in her mind, a pain she couldn't pin down, breathing she couldn't slow down and the Cheshire Cat's maniacal grin dancing in front of her eyes.

Before they even reached the clinic, she had passed out.


Karal remained where he was, looking at the space where Thursday and Altra had been. He had faith Altra would come back for them, it was only a question of how long it would take. Glancing around the library, he made sure he knew where everyone was, then moved to sit, leaning back against a shelf to wait.

When Altra returned, he was visibly flagging, ears flat, tail dragging on the ground, but he managed to Jump them safely, if not easily, back to Fandom.

[OOC: Oh em gee and we're done! Pre-played with the whole gang of wonderful library geeks. Thank you so, so much to all of you for playing and putting up with my nagging and to the folks behind the scenes who listened to me try to work out plotting and let me bounce ideas off them. It was a blast! Here endeth the flist spam.]

amleth, red queen, cheshire cat, sam, mac, jurisfiction plot, karal, bradshaw, jurisfiction, verham deane, anemone, lee, ow ow ow, bridge, pheces, altra

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