Vice Principal's Office, then the Preserve - Late Sunday Night

Jan 15, 2007 21:36

Thursday hadn't been listening to the radio since she'd returned to Fandom, so when she received a memo about tomorrow faculty meeting, she jumped into action. Namely, because the memo was signed 'Vice Principal Hades'. Her immediate assumption was that Acheron Hades, her arch-nemesis and general bad guy who should have been dead damn it, had managed to somehow find her here and was up to his old tricks. She intended to confront him, but first she was going to break into his office and find out what he was up to. If he happened to be there, then all the better. She even went as far as to load her gun with the last few silver bullets she had on hand, knowing that silver was the only thing that could kill Acheron Hades again.

The gun was well-concealed as she approached the Vice Principal's office. The sound of the door being opened and the light being switched off made her instinctively dart into an alcove. The shadows concealed Thursday as she listened. The door closed and footsteps disappeared down the hallway. When she thought it was safe, and he was already around the corner, she followed, keeping a safe distance. He had to be here for a reason, and if so, she was determined to find out what it was. That meant making sure she couldn't be seen. Unfortunately, that also meant that because of the dark he couldn't be seen aside from glimpses around the corner when she only saw the edge of a flame and the tails of what she assumed was a cape.

By the time she reached the back of the school, he was disappearing into the Preserve. Thursday followed and, once past the treeline, drew her pistol at the ready.

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